The Sturgis Station House Museum acknowledged all the volunteers who had volunteered their time throughout the museum season during a windup supper on August 23.
Hazel Urbanoski acknowledged the volunteers and gave a brief description of the museum’s year.
“It has been a great season with 200 visitors stopping in at the museum,” said Urbanoski. “Visitors came from across Saskatchewan, Alberta, Nova Scotia and the States. The projects for the season included the new roof, the organization of the Allan Palmer arrowhead collection and the moving of new sheds to make room for the addition of Brookeview School.
The foundation is complete but the building needs to be stabilized before it can be moved to its new site here at the museum. Bartch Movers will be moving the school and we are hopeful that it will be moved this fall.”
Willie Jakubowski and Friends supplied the musical entertainment for the afternoon. Volunteers were treated to a meal of sausage, lazy cabbage rolls, freshlybaked bread with jam and baked beans. The executive baked 64 loaves in the outdoor clay oven with the assistance of Tom Smith who prepared the oven and made the fire.
“This year was a big year with a major makeover to maximize the space in the museum,” said Sara Brown, curator. “Rachel Roelens, the summer student, and myself have worked hard all year organizing the arrowhead collection in a special cabinet. The on going goal is to make it easier for individuals to find artifacts in the museum. Utilizing the storage space available at the museum has been a challenge this year.”
Executive members include: Hazel Urbanoski, Myrtle Boychuk, Greta German, Karen Rose, Jennifer Bayer, Angele Poirier and Barb Wagar.