Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart has proclaimed October as Agriculture Month. This year’s theme, “Stewards in Sustainability,” celebrates the dedication of farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses to maintain and improve the environment.
“We all want to ensure a thriving, vibrant environment for future generations,” Stewart said. “Due to its relationship with our land, air and water, the agriculture industry is a key part of making that happen. Through the adoption of new technologies and sustainable practices, our farmers and ranchers steward their land and livestock to keep them productive and healthy.”
During the month of October, the Ministry of Agriculture will share agriculture’s sustainability story. Each week will focus on a different sub-theme: “Husbandry and Habitat” from October 4 to 10, “Soil” from October 11 to 17, “Water” from October 18 to 24, and “Air” from October 25 to 31.
To showcase how the industry makes sustainability a priority, the ministry will profile people who have a particularly strong relationship with the environment, including an agricultural engineer and a watershed technician. These stories will be posted on They will build on the ministry’s pre-existing thinkAG campaign, providing career inspiration for youth and a career education resource for teachers. An animated timeline highlighting key advancements in sustainability over the past 100 years will also be released.
Members of the agriculture industry are encouraged to get involved by sharing their own stories, hosting open houses or engaging the public in other discussion opportunities.
To stay up-to-date on this year’s Agriculture Month events, follow the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture on Twitter @SKAgriculture, on Facebook at Saskatchewan Agriculture or visit