The Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP) has seen a significant and successful uptake in recent months. If you’re considering applying, it is helpful to review a key regulatory requirement of the FRWIP rebate checklist, the Aquatic Habitat Protection Permit (AHPP).
A Water Security Agency AHPP permit, is required prior to commencement, for any work that occurs in the bed, bank or boundary of a water body or watercourse.
The AHPP protects aquatic habitat from impacts that may arise from development projects or activities, large or small, that are conducted in or near water. The primary goal of the AHPP is to ensure aquatic habitat is preserved and maintained at the productive level which existed prior to the development activities.
Any work that occurs in the bed (that portion of water body covered by water), bank (the rising ground bordering a water body that serves to confine the water to the channel or bed) or boundary (the end of the riparian zone) of a water body or watercourse, or any discharge with adverse effects on water requires that an AHPP is obtained prior to beginning work.
Water Security Agency has more detailed information about AHPP. Contact an Aquatic Habitat Protection Specialist at Water Security Agency with questions about your water development project.
All FRWIP rebate applications are subject to review and compliance with AHPP, where applicable, must be in place before any rebate payments can be made.
Agriculture Program Specialists are located throughout the province. They are there to help with questions about any of the Canadian Agriculture Partnership (CAP) programs.