The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission (SaskFlax) reminds flax producers that nominations for the 2020 Director Elections are now open. Nominations will be accepted until Monday, Aug. 31, at 12:00 PM (noon). Nomination form is available at
The elections will aim to fill three vacant positions on the SaskFlax Board. Two of our current Directors, Nancy Johns and Shane Stokke, will have both completed their maximum number of terms as of the end of this year.
If elections proceed, information about candidates and voting procedures will be made public in October 2020. Producers will also be mailed voting instructions and documents in October 2020 and the election period will run from Oct. 19 to Nov. 30.
If elections proceed, voters will again have the option to vote online or by paper ballot.
Registered producers (any producer who has sold flax in either of the 2018/19 or 2019/20 crop years and has not requested a levy refund for the sales in the 2019/20 crop year) will receive an election package in the mail, containing instructions on how to vote by their preferred option.
If elections proceed, the results of the election will be announced mid-December and at SaskFlax’s Annual General Meeting in January 2021, held in conjunction with the CropSphere conference.