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Cowboy Church at Ag Days glorifies God and His creation

With their daughter Emma holding a mic, Kelvin Young and his wife Jessica led the singing for Cowboy Church, including I’ll Fly Away, When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, and This Little Light of Mine.

CANORA - Cowboy Church was held on Sunday morning, Aug. 25 as part of Ag Days, providing a worship opportunity for competitors as well as anyone else who wished to attend.

Bryce Young, who served as announcer for many of the Ag Days events, welcomed the small gathering.

“It’s a great day to worship God,” said Young. “The Bible tells us that even were two or three are gathered together, God is there also. Thanks to the Canora Ag Society for allowing us to have Cowboy Church. Let us pray.

“Lord, we thank you for this day. This is the day that the Lord has made and we will be glad in it. Please lead us and guide us in our worship service this morning.”

With their daughter Emma holding a mic, Kelvin Young (who was a chuckwagon race heat winner later in the day) and his wife Jessica led the singing for Cowboy Church, opening with a medley of traditional favourites, I’ll Fly Away, When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder, and This Little Light of Mine.

Other songs included: How Great Thou Art, Why Me Lord and The Old Rugged Cross, which Kelvin described as “a sad song describing the torment Jesus went through on the Cross, but it’s also a beautiful song because it tells how He paid the penalty for us on the Cross so we can have forgiveness for our sins.”

Emma Young and her sister Thea each recited Bible verses they have memorized:

Thea: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” (John 1:1).

Emma: “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen,” (1 Timothy 1:17)

Bryce Young led a time of sharing, making it clear from the outset that, “I am not a professional speaker.

“But I know that the Lord is my saviour and I have a place in Heaven. I thank the Lord for the many blessings in my life, even though sometimes, like when I am haying, I wonder about how much I am actually blessed.

“We think of the Bible as God’s Word, but some say there is no God,” continued Young. “That takes a lot of faith.

“Look around us. To say that all of creation is not created by God, that takes a lot of faith. How could the birth of a baby happen by accident, or how could a wristwatch be created by accident? How could life happen without a creator?

“In Genesis it says, “God created the Heavens and the Earth.’ He told Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply, and fill the earth

“Because mankind went down the wrong road, God told Noah to build an ark During the great flood, God saved Noah and his family because they believed in God.

“God sent Jesus, his Son, to save us from sin because Satan was still around and creating havoc. Jesus died on the Cross for us and took all our sins upon himself. All we have to do is accept His forgiveness of our sins. We also need to remember His words, ‘I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also, (John 14:3)’”

The music continued with a heartfelt solo by Emma Young, Let Me Tell You About My Jesus.

Emma was then joined by her parents Kelvin and Jessica for the closing song, Our God.

Bryce Young shared some closing thoughts.

“We heard great songs this morning, talking about forgiveness. Make sure you make things right between you and God. Ask God for forgiveness of your sins. Let’s pray.

“Heavenly Father, thank you for who you are. I pray for each and every person here this morning, please meet our needs. Please go with us the rest of this day and keep everyone safe here at Canora Ag Days. Amen.”

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