It has been confirmed by there is a positive COVID-19 case in an individual at St. Alphonsus Elementary School in Yorkton.
In a release today (Thursday), Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools in the city noted thatSept. 30, officials from the Saskatchewan Health Authority identified the positive COVID-19 case
“Communication has been shared with the specific classroom/cohort, as well as the school community,” stated the release.
“The Saskatchewan Health Authorityhas completed their assessment of the situation, and all individuals deemed to be closecontactshave been communicated with.”
The school division noted classes will continue in-school.
“We want to reassure families at this time that classes at St. Alphonsus Elementary School will continue as normal, while maintaining the safety protocols in place,” noted the release.
The Division is not making further comment citing; “to protect privacy, we are not able to share or discuss details.
The division did thank everyone “for continuing to be diligent in performing daily health screening, stayinghome if ill, callingHealthLine 811 if exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, practicingproper hand hygiene, maintainingphysical distancing as much as possible, wearinga mask when appropriate, and doingeverything we can to keep each other safe.”