Current City Councillor Mitch Hippsley has announced he will be seeking the Mayor’s chair in the upcoming civic election in November.
The announcement Thursday ensures an election for Mayor in Yorkton as Councillor Aaron Kienle had already declared.
“Today, I wish to announce my bid to run as your next Mayor,” he said at his announcement. “... I have decided to take on the huge responsibility to steer a $54 million dollar annual operation.”
Hippsley said he felt the time was right to make the run.
“I am at a time in my life I want to give back to my community, to share and utilize my knowledge from my many life lessons.
“I would like to dedicate my time to the position of Mayor. I know what it takes to grind that axe to make a buck.”
In the position Hippsley said he would “look out for we the taxpayers, spend(ing) your money carefully and wisely.”
Hippsley said it is a time to be careful with taxpayer dollars.
“Almost all businesses in Yorkton are in terrible shape today due to many factors and cannot continue to pay their bills or even possibly survive,” he said.
At the same time business is a core of the community.
“Small businesses are and will always be the springboard for any community to prosper and grow,” said Hippsley.
But, it is a business background Hippsley said has taught him to spend wisely.
“In business when you cannot generate more income, you simply spend money very wisely and make some tough decisions and sacrifices,” he said.
“You cannot continue to spend money you do not have.”
That is a lesson for the City, suggested Hippsley.
“Status Quo spending at city hall must stop,” he said.
“It must stop until we see what our new reality is.
“If elected, I will do my utmost to give a zero tax increase. That is truly the way I think to move in these uncertain times.”
Asked after by Yorkton This Week if the zero tax increase was a one-year suggestion, or a four-year term goal? Hippsley was quick to respond “a term thing. I mean it.”
At the same time Hippsley suggested he sees places where money should be spent.
“I have a vision for the growth of Yorkton, but first we need to know where we are financially,” he said, adding, “... I want to see city council continue to add family amenities to our neighbourhood landscapes and give them more reasons to stay and prosper.”
To media Hippsley would also note the Kinsmen Arena will need replacement.
“We definitely have to address a second ice surface,” he said, but added it might take “reinventing the wheel” to make the project affordable.
Ultimately, Hippsley told those gathered he feels strongly about the city’s future.
“I believe in Yorkton and I believe that we can continue to grow and thrive given proper direction and commitment,” he said.
Yorkton will head to the polls Nov. 9.