The Yorkton Chamber of Commerce, represented by President Mike Popowich, Vice President Mike Stackhouse and Executive Director Juanita Polegi met Friday, Mar. 2 with Hon. Warren Kaeding, Minister of Government Relations, and Hon. Greg Ottenbreit, Yorkton MLA, to discuss the impact of the removal of Grants-In-Lieu (GIL) on the City of Yorkton 2018 budget and, ultimately, the Yorkton business community. The Provincial budget is being finalized over the next few weeks as the Province plans to unveil it Apr. 10.
Last year (2017), reductions in provincial revenue sharing and GILs contributed to a 9.45% tax increase in the City of Yorkton and currently the 2018 budget is requiring an additional 4.55% tax increase. This increase does not account for any further reduction to GILs which won’t be disclosed until the Provincial budget is unveiled.
The Chamber appreciates the opportunity to meet with Mr. Kaeding and Mr. Ottenbreit to discuss the pressing concern of lost revenue to the city prior to the government beginning its pre-budget deliberations. The Chamber was able to point out that the revenue received from the GIL was money over which the City had total control. City Council could use those funds to repair water and sewer lines, streets and sidewalks. Losing that revenue has a serious impact on the Yorkton business community. Increasing taxes does not aid business growth. The Chamber is hopeful the provincial government understands that healthy prosperous businesses create a healthy, prosperous city - which in turn, contributes to the health and prosperity of the province.