The old Saskatchewan Wheat Pool elevator located on the west side of Canora was demolished on March 27 by Adair’s Demolition and Excavating.
Adair Bednaz, owner of the Southey-based business, said he has been involved in approximately 1500 grain elevator demolitions since 1980. He said safety is always the number one concern.
“The people are always more important than the work.”
For the elevator demolition in Canora, Bednaz said he and his crew stripped everything they could off the outside to get down to the main building.
Bednaz used his equipment to weaken the structure on the southwest portion of the building, which allowed him to bring it down with a push from the northeast corner, “similar to cutting down a large tree.”
He said in some cases the weakening of the structure is enough to make the building fall on its own, but this one required a push.
Bednaz estimated he and his crew will spend the next two to three weeks hauling the remaining material away and cleaning up the site.