As part of their Easter Break activity at the Canora Resource Centre, on April 22 members of a group of youth took part in an unusual artistic activity, said Gwen Britton, youth program co-ordinator.
“We had youth registered for rock painting and I surprised them with an idea I saw on-line,” said Britton. “Weeks before I had begun to save empty egg shells when making scrambled eggs. I gently tapped the top of each egg, peeled it away a bit and then emptied the shell.
I washed the shells and collected enough for a class.”
Taking part in the afternoon activity, aged seven to 11 years, were: Emmit Genoway, Erika Sweeney, Fallon Ostafie, Sam Genoway, Janis Ruiz, Heidi Mentanko and Jania Predinchuk.
Under the direction of Britton, the youngsters were each given four eggs to fill up in whatever colours they wanted, layering the insides of their eggs. They headed outside and laid their seven canvasses down in a square.
Britton threw the first egg to show the kids how hard to smash the paint-filled eggs. One by one, the youth threw their paint-filled eggs down, creating a very colourful canvas.
Judging from the pleasantly surprised looks on the faces of the participants, it was definitely a worthwhile activity, especially for a festive occasion, said Britton.