Yorkton Council approved a tender for its gasoline and diesel for the next three years.
Fleet Operations issued a tender request for the supply and delivery of gasoline and diesel fuel for a three year term starting January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2019. The Tender request was issued November 30, 2016 and closed on December 14, 2016, explained Johnathan Oranchuk, Fleet Operations Manager at the regular meeting of Council Monday.
Four Vendors submitted Tenders which were publically opened at 2:00 pm, December 14, 2016. No suppliers attended the opening.
“Suppliers were required to bid on gasoline and diesel fuel with pricing being adjusted weekly or monthly (up or down) based on the average rack price, for each fuel, for the previous week.
Brendonn Holdings, the local Petro Canada dealer was the low bidder for gasoline and diesel fuel meeting the specifications as outlined in the Tender document,” detailed a report circulated to Council.
“The Rack price is the manufacture’s bulk terminal price set at the terminal location in Regina. The award of this contract was based on the manufactures average rack price for the previous six months of data and the fixed margin (applied to the rack price) for each gasoline and diesel fuel. The fixed margin is firm for 3 years for the period January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019.”
The cost tendered was $0.6165 per litre for gasoline and $0.6365 per litre for diesel. The cost does not include applicable provincial and federal taxes of the fuels.