After a hiatus of several years, a longtime Christmas tradition at Kamsack is being revived with the staging of the Community Christmas Concert.
           The Concert of Christmas music and songs will be held at the Kamsack Playhouse on Saturday afternoon.
           Members of the Kamsack Community Choir, fresh off their own concert, A Christmas Gathering, which was held on Sunday, will be on stage Saturday afternoon accompanied by Marilyn Marsh on the piano.
           While the choir is on stage, a trio of choir members will perform three selections.
           Marsh will also be performing a duet with Jeremy Ruten.
           Several Kamsack Comprehensive Institute band students, under the direction of Darren Kitsch, will perform, said Jack Koreluik, who is the live performing arts co-ordinator for the Playhouse.
           Soloists who have agreed to perform include Colleen Kazakoff, Zennovia Duch, Theresa Sanderson and Ashley Hollett.
           Dustin Wilson will have his band Rise Above on stage to perform a couple numbers and Ellen Amundsen-Case and James Perry have agreed to reprise their show-stopping rendition of The 12 Days of Christmas, which they performed to much laughter and applause at the Scrooge Macbeth dinner theatre production December 2 and 3.
           And to top it all off, word has been received that Santa Claus will be attending and will be distributing treat bags to the children.
           A silver collection will be made at the door, Koreluik said.