It looks as though Kamsack’s Town Office is going to stay as it is, at least for the next while.
Town council, realizing that the existing office does not met current accessibility and building codes, had decided to look into renovations.
At its regular meeting February 27, council discovered that the cost to renovate the existing office exceeded the estimated cost to construct a new building.
The renovations estimate came in over $1 million, Mayor Nancy Brunt explained.
Therefore, council decided to request the administrator to investigate options for new construction which would include “building green” grants for constructing environmentally-friendly buildings and funding options for such construction.
At council’s regular meeting of March 13, council ratified the promotion of Don Wright, the water treatment operator, to the out-of-scope position of utilities foreman, effective February 26. Tracy Klapatiuk, who had been the town foreman, had been promoted to town superintendent.