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Decoration Day service held at Riverview Cemetery

The Kamsack Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion led Decoration Day services at the Riverview Cemetery in Kamsack on Sunday.
Decoration Day Colour Party
The Decoration Day March On the Colours was led by Cst. Daniella Beiersdorfer and Cst. Igor Tarabanko of the Kamsack RCMP.

The Kamsack Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion led Decoration Day services at the Riverview Cemetery in Kamsack on Sunday.

Participants in the service included members of the Kamsack RCMP, Kamsack air cadets, Legion members, Keri Lindsay on bagpipes and Kyler Kitsch on trumpet.

Decoration Day is a time for remembering soldiers and the decoration of graves of veterans. Jim Woodward, Legion president, said an opening prayer after the Colour Party, led by Cst. Daniella Beirsdorfer and Cst. Igor Tarabanko of the Kamsack RCMP, marched to the cenotaph at the Kamsack Legion’s area at the Riverview Cemetery.

“Almighty God, our heavenly Father, as this day we gather round our War Memorial and decorate the graves of our fallen comrades, accept our memorial of their sacrifice, and this offering of praise and thanksgiving,” he said in the opening prayer.

Woodward led the assembled crowd in singing the hymn In the Garden.

After the Last Post was played by Kyler Kitsch on trumpet, a two-minute silence was observed for comrade Tom Wakeman. Kitsch then played Reveille, after which Jim Woodward spoke the Act of Remembrance.

After the wreaths were placed at the base of the cenotaph, one each for Canada, the province, the Town of Kamsack and the Legion, Woodward presented a scripture reading and homily.

Those in attendance were invited by Woodward to decorate veteran’s graves with Canadian flags.

“Christ, bless our comrades we pray.”

After singing God Save the Queen it was time for the March Off the Colours, again led by the RCMP members in attendance.

Following the service, a barbecue supper was held at the Legion, after which, the following presentations were made: Joe Kozakewich and Percy Smutt received 15-year pins; Janet Woodward, 40-year pin, and Robert Boudreau received a past office bar.

Joanne Anderson of Saskatoon won the “Firepit of Delights” prize.

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