Members of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church at Kamsack celebrated the beginning of Advent on November 29 with Rev. Archdeacon Kim Salo and Rev. Nancy Brunt in attendance.
The children of the congregation were invited to light the first candle on the Advent wreath and then the Holy Eucharist was celebrated.
A Christmas tree was decorated, lunch was served and then everyone went into the lower hall where the children were involved in painting Christmas ornaments, decorating Christmas cookies, assembling nativity decorations, doing puzzles and preparing gifts for people who will be in the hospital over the Christmas period.
“Long ago the people in Northern Europe made the first wreaths, bending evergreen branches, a symbol of everlasting life, into a circle, which, having no beginning and no end, represents eternity,” said information from the congregation.
“The wreath symbolizes our eternal life in Christ; the four candles remind us that Christ is the Light of the world,” the information said. “One new candle is lit each Sunday successively during Advent so that by the fourth Sunday all the candles are lit.
“The increasing light reminds us of the gradual revelation to Israel of the coming of Christ,” it said. “For some the third candle is traditionally a rose colour, from the ancient ‘rejoyce’ introit of the third Sunday, reminding us of the great joy of Christ’s coming into the world.
“Some call the rose or pink candle the ‘Mary candle’ for Jesus’ mother. A large, white ‘Christ candle’ is usually in the centre of the wreath, but not lit until Christmas. The coloured candles may be exchanged for white to burn during the 12 days of Christmas.”