The town council of Outlook met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday night, December 12. Present was all of council; Donna Smith, Kevin Grotheim, Kyle McLeod, Maureen Applin, Floyd Childerhose, and David Simonson, as well as Mayor Ross Derdall, Administrator Tina Douglas, Assistant Administrator Rachel Sillers, Acting Superintendent of Municipal Operations Luke Lockhart, and Recreation Director Jordy Jones.
A number of topics and items were discussed, including the following highlights:
- Jones noted in his Rec Report that an alarm call late at night on Sunday, December 9 at the Jim Kook Rec Plex revealed a leak in a line that began to purge in the overflow valves, resulting in a bit of flooding. Jordy said he’ll be working with the fire department to explore remedy options for the future.
- Jones is looking to enter Outlook into the ‘Go Out & Play’ challenge being organized by Sask in Motion, a contest that promotes physical activity among communities. Last year’s winner in the challenge was the community of Kenaston.
- The rink is set to be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but Jones said that there will be employees on hand just to ensure things are running smoothly inside the building.
- Touching on items that were discussed in a Recreation Committee Meeting held days earlier, Councillor Grotheim brought up an idea to possibly have permanent rodeo grounds in a southeast part of the Rec Plex grounds sometime in the future. It was said that the space would provide ample room for camping, as well as the possible use of the Rec Plex building for concessions. The idea is something that could be looked at after the Town’s recent agreement with the Riverbank Rodeo Committee comes to an end in a few years.
- Mayor Derdall commended Acting Superintendent Lockhart and town employees on the sanding recently done around town, a sentiment echoed by council.
- Jackie Derdall-Douville is the new Public Works Coordinator for the Town, and she has been learning the ins and outs of the position recently.
- Council accepted the Public Works Needs Assessment, an active living document that can be revisited and revised when needed.
- Council accepted the Emergency Response Plan for the Water Treatment Plant.
- Council approved the 2019/2020 proposed budget of WaterWolf.
- During discussion surrounding financial reports, there was a feeling among some that the Town should retender their banking services at some point down the road. It’s something that may be looked at again in the near future, but the Town has “too many eggs in the basket” for now, particularly with it being budget season.
- Administrator Douglas proposed a monthly penalty of 1.5% be added to Bylaw 2/18 – Bylaw to Establish Tax Incentives and Penalties. Readings were held and carried.
- Readings were held and carried for Bylaw 3/18 – Bylaw to Authorize the Borrowing of Money, related to a Bank of Montreal proposal for a $500,000 loan towards the new swimming pool facility.
- Council accepted with regret the letter of resignation from the Library Board of Tony Peter.
- Council returned to in-camera discussions following the regular meeting.