The Parkland Music Festival committee is busy preparing for the district festival which begins March 26 and takes place in Preeceville and Sturgis throughout that week. The final concert is scheduled for the afternoon of April 2 at Trinity United Church in Preeceville, said Anna Russell, chairperson for the festival.
Entry deadline was January 31 and all entries (approximately 225)Â have been tentatively scheduled and sent to the adjudicators for review and schedule approval.
This year the festival has entrants from Sturgis, Preeceville, Norquay, Pelly, Hyas, Togo, Kamsack, Canora and Invermay.Â
"Our committee members are ready to begin phoning for volunteers for adjudicators’ assistants, door attendants, hosts for classroom days and as coffee servers for what we expect will be 15 to 17 sessions," said Russell.
"The generosity of so many businesses and individuals in our community has been evident as our scholarship and donor committee is finishing its canvas,” she said. “We have also booked work bees to process entries, sending each entrant his or her assigned performance time and location.”
Work has begun on publicity and programs, Russell said. Everyone is welcome at all sessions ($10 for all sessions or $3 per session) and at the final concert.