The Preeceville Hospital’s annual bed push for Telemiracle 42 raised $7,559 on March 1.
“We want to recognize all the people who make this yearly event possible, including the individuals who pushed the bed from Preeceville to Sturgis, and to those who are behind the scene,” said Brenda Lubiniecki, organizer.
“We are very appreciative to the Preeceville School staff and students, Sturgis School staff and students, maintenance who always get the bed ready for us, the Sturgis and District Fire Department firefighters for accompanying us on the road and most importantly to everyone who donated to support such a worthy cause.”
Participants left the hospital grounds on March 1 determined to continue the annual tradition of the bed push, she said. They were escorted by the Sturgis and district fire rescue unit and followed by the Sturgis fire truck. The rescue units’ flashing lights and siren signalled to motorists of the bed push in progress. After canvassing in Preeceville, the entourage made its way along the highway to Sturgis where stopping motorists gave generously.
Upon its arrival approximately four hours later in Sturgis, the group presented a cheque to the Sturgis annual Mini Miracle committee during the annual Kinsmen Mini Miracle. Elaine Christopherson was accompanied by Brenda Lubiniecki, Sheila Klebeck, Tyler Blender, Becky Gulka, Monica Dutchak and Cheryl Walker on stage to make the presentation.
Those who participated in this year’s event were: Cheryl Walker, Brad Romanchuk, Crystal Romanchuk, Edie Belesky, Rhonda Cook, Brenda Lubiniecki, Becky Gulka, Elaine Christopherson, Megan Morton, Sheila Klebeck, Brian and Teegan Lubiniecki and Brad Secundiak.
The Preeceville School students from Grade 6 were accompanied by Eli Kashuba, Christian Acosta and Dweight Paligan (Grade 9) and Willen Paligan (Grade 10), who also helped with the bed push.
The group had collected donations at the hospital before they canvassed in the town of Preeceville and along the highway to Sturgis from passing motorists.
The Sturgis Kinsmen and Kinettes Mini miracle made its presentation to Telemiracle in Regina on Sunday and that included the total amount raised in the Preeceville Hospital bed push.
“We couldn’t do this event year after year without the continued support of the Preeceville Hospital, Lions Hostel staff and families, friends and most important of all, the support and generosity of the community,” Lubiniecki said. “The generosity of people and how it all comes together amazes me every year.”
In the years that the Preeceville Hospital staff has organized a bed push, more than $187,000 has been raised for Telemiracle.