Yorkton Council was given an overview of the goals of the Main Street Saskatchewan Program (MSSP).
“The Main Street program is for the community members and committees to create growth and stimulate the local downtown business economy hands-on throughout the next five years,” said Justine Lutz at the regular meeting of Yorkton Council Tuesday, Feb. 21.
Provincially, Lutz said in the period November 2011 to March 2016 the MSSP has been quite successful. During that period they have seen;
• Net New Main Street businesses -- 26
• Net New Main Street jobs -- 102
• Volunteer hours -- 41,763
• Main Street Events – 330
• Historic Building Rehabilitations – 48
• Private Investment in Property -- $7,621,000
• Value of Improvements -- $5,982,343
Lutz, a representative of the Yorkton MSSP noted the “downtown is an essential component of our community.”
The reasons main streets are so important are varied, she continued, including:
• Serving as an incubator for new business.
• Where the arts and culture thrive creating a sense of community and place.
Lutz said the sense of community comes from many sources,
The downtown core around a main street, “stimulates business start-up, creating new job opportunities” achieved in part by investment in historical building conservation and streetscape improvements.
At the same time it helps foster cultural and social activities which can lead to increased tourism, she offered.
The MSSP also has as a goal to bring “community residents, merchants and other main street stakeholders together to work towards a common goal of bringing new life to Yorkton,” said Lutz.
Lutz said the MSSP ultimately wants to strengthen the existing economy while developing ways to diversify and expand it by introducing new compatible businesses and building new ones.
In the process of building the business base the MSSP looks to create “an inviting pedestrian-oriented downtown for people to shop, work and play. Rehabilitating historic buildings and encouraging new construction,” detailed a slide presentation made by Lutz.
The first steps locally include creating awareness of the Main Street program through special events and promotions in the community.
Lutz said the Yorkton MSSP now wants to begin the process by;
• learning about the Main Street approach, and applying it to the fullest extent possible
• taking steps to build the community’s support
• preparing an annual work plan
• attending training and annual conferences
• submitting twice yearly progress reports