On Tuesday, members of the Kamsack branch of the Royal Canadian Legion were to decide how involved they will be in Halloween activities.
“Halloween has become such a trying event for many parents, even though it is one occasion that you don’t want to see stop either,” Jim Woodward, branch president, said last week. “Many people have a problem with their children going door-to-door receiving goodies from uncontrolled sources.
“It is a well-known fact that it only takes one or two to ruin it for everyone,” Woodward said.
At the Legion’s regular meeting on Tuesday, its members were to be asked if they would be willing to assume the responsibility to gather Halloween goodies for the children of Kamsack and community, he said. The process would be similar to what the Town did a few years back, but the donations would be dropped off at the Legion Hall on several designated days. In return a person would receive a window poster saying that he or she had already contributed.
Legion members would compile the goodie bags and distribute them to the various schools and daycare centre on Halloween, thereby keeping everything under control and allowing kids to have a safe environment to enjoy a little Halloween, he said.
Timing being short, community interest would also become a factor to proceed with this undertaking, he said, urging persons to share their thoughts on the matter with Legion members.