The Sturgis Composite High School class of 1969 held its 50th year class reunion on July 27.
"It included students who attended Grade 12 and those who were classmates for a number of years but who had moved or already joined the workforce prior to graduation," said Brenda Brown, organizer and classmate.
Registration took place at the Sturgis Composite School with 49 former classmates and three teachers registering. A tour of the school was lead by Lisa Serdachny, Sturgis Composite High School kindergarten teacher.
The past students observed that there were many changes in the school over the last 50 years.
There were 83 individuals who attended the “delicious supper” at the READ Club, catered by the Black Bear Inn.
The master of ceremonies for the evening was Chuck Armstrong. Grace was recited by David Johnson. John Davis had made a variety of floral arrangements for the tables, which he then donated to the READ Club. Music was provided by Dianne and Jay Prekaski.
There were 56 classmates and a few teachers who submitted a one-page biography and had these biographies compiled into a bound booklet. Each member who submitted a write-up received a copy.
“There was much visiting, reminiscing and laughter. We missed those who were unable to attend. We remembered those who are no longer with us,” concluded Brown.