ELBOW - An event that has quickly gained popularity in the lakeside community of Elbow is gearing up for its third edition this coming June.
The 3rd annual Move to Cure ALS walk is set to take place on Sunday, June 8, and registration is now open.
That day, the walk will start from the Harbor Golf Community Centre at noon and the event will run until 1:00 pm. Each participant is encouraged to raise money for the walk to put towards the event's collective total.
Started in 2023, the ALS walk began with normal expectations, hoping that the event could raise a total of $10,000, but the inaugural edition managed to raise a little over $20,000, shattering those expectations. Following that line of success, last year's event raised close to $54,000, more than doubling the expectation of $25,000.
This year's goal for the ALS walk in Elbow will be a target of $40,000, with all funds going toward the ALS Society of Saskatchewan.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurological disorder that impacts nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This condition leads to a gradual loss of muscle control and progressively worsens over time.
In addition to the 5 km walk itself, there will also be raffle draws, burgers and drinks available, and an ALS Walk t-shirt will be included in the $20 registration for participants. To register for the event and for more information, go to alssask.ca/events/move-to-cure-als-walk-elbow-sk.