ONTARIO – Update: Sept. 29, 6:53 a.m. Freedom groups have started rolling into Ontario and are demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. They say that the truckers were the victims during the convoy to Ottawa in February 2022.
The truckers have prepared a letter to deliver to the RCMP.
“In January 2022 we took our trucks to the streets of Ottawa to protest in the Freedom Convoy 2022 against the COVID-19 vaccine travel mandates,” states the letter. “The convoy was a peaceful, lawful protest of these harmful, unlawful, vax mandates, nevertheless Trudeau shut us down by police force. We are now returning to demand that the RCMP arrest Prime Minister Trudeau for treason because of his unlawful violent vaccine mandates, and his unlawful use of force to break up the protest.”
The letter goes on to state that the police and the courts have found their protest to have been peaceful.
"Also, CSIS announced that the convoy protest did not meet the standards of a national security breach required by the Emergencies Act," it added. "These counterfeit emergency regulations infringed upon our basic human rights and our fundamental freedoms. We were beaten for no reason, our trucks were damaged and confiscated without legal cause or authorization, and many of us were criminally prosecuted with unreasonable bail conditions; all because we were exercising our inalienable right to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, and association. We had an important public message and we protested peacefully in a symbolic location."

More to come. This is a developing story.
Original story:
Freedom groups head to Ont.: RCMP HQ say they 'remain attentive to this developing situation'
REGINA – An unknown number of freedom advocates from the east and west – who want to see change in Ottawa – are headed to Ontario.
Freedom advocate Ron Clark from Alberta, along with a group of supporters, stopped in Regina, Sask., Monday night on their way to Ontario.
“I’m headed east and if anyone wants to join, they are more than welcome, but it’s not advertised as a convoy," he said on a live stream Tuesday morning.
Clark said he is going to Ontario to "film events" but didn’t specify what events.
“No one has said anything about violence,” he added. “This is all about peace. We are peaceful. We are just trying to bring people together and show them what is happening, film things. We have been doing that ever since the convoy, live video things.
"We are just Canadian citizens, fathers, husbands, that are heading east to voice our concerns, and peacefully," he added. "That’s it."
Clark also told his followers to print the Canadian Bill of Rights to take with them to Ontario.
There are small groups leaving from different parts of the country, from Eastern Canada and Quebec, and as far west as British Columbia, he said.
Tight-lipped about itinerary
The various organizers from different parts of the country have been tight-lipped about their plans.
“We are not releasing the location and we are not releasing dates,” said Freedom George in his live stream Tuesday. “Talk to your group. Talk to your people, they are in the know. You are not going to find it on social media. We learned from last time.
“There are plans in place that have been worked on for a long time," he added. "Get to Ontario. Leave now if you want to join. There are already people over there. This is it everyone. This is our time.”
Another live streamer, Colin Bigbear from British Columbia, said once everyone is in Ontario they will release more details about their plans.
The limited information that the group has put out includes a poster saying they were meeting in Calgary on Sept. 25, arriving in Regina, Sask., that night, then heading to Manitoba, and then on to Sault St. Marie, Ont., where they will meet up with the groups from eastern Canada.
One of the Quebec groups participating listed seven things they are seeking by going to Ontario. They include the resignations of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party, and the NDP, the protection of children against sex education ideology, all public health order charges against everyone over the last three years dropped, the release of “patriots” from prison, transparency from the government, and the protection of the voices of immigrants.
The live streamers have followers from across Canada and the world. They have been communicating on Telegram, an end-to-end encrypted messaging app popular for its “secret chats.”
A woman from Saskatoon, who has participated in their protests, said she is aware of the groups headed to Ontario. She said there are people she knows who have been personally invited to join the groups headed to Ontario, and if they can't participate, then they aren't told any of the plans.
"It's very hush-hush," she said.
On Tuesday, freedom advocate Marcus Ray told SASKTODAY.ca that he is aware of the groups headed to Ontario but isn’t involved, adding that he applauds them for their efforts.
Ray, however, said he doesn't beleive Canadians are ready to make a stand.
“Without public opinion on your side, what is there to win?”
Different this time
Freedom George said this time will be different.
“There are no big egos involved. There’s nobody trying to take control. Basically, it’s everyone working together.”
Freedom George said things are shifting in their favour.
“All the people are done. You can see with the marches and the people standing up to the mandates.
“Ask yourself one question?” he added. “Do you think this is ever going to end if we don’t stand up? The answer is no. They are going to continue to do what they want to do. They will continue to push us down and continue with their mandates.”
Except this time, there won’t be any backing down, he said.
“We are not backing down. We are sticking together. They are not pushing us over this time.
“We end this when we all stand together, side by side and we don’t back down. We want our voices heard. Trudeau, we want you out of power. You are out.”
Ray, however, said it's too late and the time to be on the offensive was February 2022.
“We had our chance in the original convoy when the world was watching. Now get ready for the disaster and help as many people as you can. That is my hope.”
Ray also said that the freedom movement has been torn apart with infighting.
“Quite frankly, that is all I have seen in the last two years.”
RCMP Headquarters in Ottawa told SASKTODAY.ca on Wednesday that they are aware of the groups headed to Ontario.
“RCMP O Division, in concert with our policing partners, is aware that a group from Alberta and Saskatchewan is travelling eastward in the direction of Ontario,” said Robin Percival, Media Relations, National Communication Services. “Together, we remain attentive to this developing situation.
“The RCMP’s top priority is the safety and security of our communities,” added Percival.
SASKTODAY.ca reached out to the federal public safety minister but didn’t get a response.
Story updated to include additional comments from RCMP HQ.
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