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Maidstone and District News: Fire victims appreciate support

Elementary school raises $7,400 for Telemiracle.
Curling rocks Getty
Women’s curling teams will take to the ice in Maidstone for the annual ladies’ bonspiel this weekend.

MAIDSTONE — Dennis and Valerie Lakatos have expressed sincere gratitude to all who have reached out in their immediate time of need following the fire. In addition to the ongoing Synergy Credit Union and GoFundMe accounts, Maidstone AG Foods has also opened an account for people to help out towards groceries. The online auction is up and running at until March 31. Just go to the website, log in or register, and start bidding on the many terrific items. All support is greatly appreciated.

Ratushniak Elementary School sends a big shout-out to those who provide them with hot lunches: A & S Corner Store, Sunny’s, Lou’s and Sue’s, Mrs. Bellin’s MHS Home Economics class, as well as staff and volunteers who make the in-house meals. Thank you, everyone.

The Kin Club of Maidstone reported that of the $18,800 donated to Telemiracle, Ratushniak Elementary School’s skate-a-thon raised $7,400. What a terrific job!

Congratulations to Lorna Foster on winning the AG Foods 50-second shopping spree. Lorna grabbed a great variety of items and took home $345.82 worth of free groceries.

Maidstone High School curling teams came home with medals from the Battle River playoffs with junior boys winning silver and junior girls taking gold. They both advance to districts this week.

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night before you go to bed. It’s time to “spring ahead” on Sunday, March 10 at 2 a.m. With the huge snowfall we just got, it’s hard to think that spring will soon be here.

Maidstone’s Spring Market will take place on Sunday, March 24 at the Legion Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be by Maidstone Quilting Squares. Admission is free.

Maidstone Kin Club has an Easter Family Dance coming up on Thursday, Mar. 28 at the Legion Hall. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the dance starts at 7 p.m. Cost is: family $25, adult $10, kids five to 9 nine $5 and under five free. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Registration is open for the Wilton Outdoor Soccer season in Lashburn. Dates and cost are: U5 – May 20 to June 27 Monday/Thursday (six weeks) 6 to 6:45 p.m. $60; U7/U9 – May 13 to July 4 Monday/Thursday (eight weeks) 6 to 7 p.m. $100; U11/U13/U15 – May 6 to July 11 Monday/Thursday (10 weeks) 6 to 7:15 p.m. $140. Field locations to be confirmed. RAMP link with registration closing Apr. 12.


Saturday and Sunday, March 9-10 – Ladies’ curling bonspiel. Call Melanie 780-808-0592.

Wednesday, March 13 - Ecumenical Llenten lunch at United Church CE Wing 12:05 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday, March 16 and 17 - Maidstone Skating Carnival.



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