The cast of Drinking Alone took their bows to a standing ovation at Tuesday evening’s preview of the third play of the four-production 2014-15 season. The cast was made up of Jill Jones, playing an escort hired to masquerade as a fiance, John Butler, the man who hired a fiance to impress his father, Danielle Barrett, the other sibling of the family who drinks a little too much, Bernie Cardin, who plays a father who hasn’t seen his children for 15 years for reasons revealed in the plo and Lisa Bilanski, the stepmother who tries to keep peace in the family.
Drinking Alone is a play by Norm Foster, Canada’s most produced playwright. Foster, who celebrates his birthday this weekend, is known mainly for his comedic productions – with a serious side – about ordinary people just trying to get through their lives. Drinking Alone, directed by Fraser Glen, plays Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Western Development as a dinner theatre.
If you missed the deadline for purchasing dinner theatre tickets for Drinking Alone this week at Western Development Museum, you still have a chance to attend. Some lucky individual who enters a draw for tickets at Empress Furniture & Décor (Carpet Superstore, Highway 4 N.) before 5 p.m., Feb. 13 will win four dinner theatre tickets for Feb. 14.
Having formed partnerships with over 40 community business sponsors, stimulating business investment in the arts, the local drama group Battlefords Community Players looks toward a continual increase in the quality and breadth of its theatre work. The introduction of formal business sponsorships through partnership agreements has been a new venture for BCP, inspired through a national program called artsVest. On the weekend, prior to dress rehearsal, some Battlefords Community Players cast and crew members of Drinking Alone were shown some of the unique hand-made merchandise from around the world available at Empress Furniture & Décor, sponsor of BCP’s 2014-15 season.