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Local couple celebrates six decades of marriage

Meota News: Library sees a huge jump in summer circulation stats
Cool days and cooler nights are the harbinger of winter. When we get rain (or snow) this week we will know how early our first snow may be. Watching the geese and all the other birds these days is most entertaining. There are millions of the snow geese, but the pelicans and bigger geese show up as they rest on the water or feed in the fields. Seeing them flying overhead and listening to them is intriguing as well.

Walter and Mary Tait quietly celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with immediate family recently. Also joining them were bridesmaid Nancy Iverson and flower girl Heather Tait. Walter was born and raised in the community. Mary came from Scotland to nurse in Swift Current. They have three children and eight grandchildren who all live nearby and hosted a turkey supper for them at the Meota Do Drop In.

"Fuel prices" is the topic of the day, as we wonder where it will top off. In Kamloops last week it was $1.60 for low grade, $1.72 for medium and $1.80 for premium. In Vancouver it topped out at $1.95.

Tuesday afternoon bridge at Pioneer Hall saw Jane Groves and Catriona Winterholt earning top score. Second were Anna Marie Waldbillig and Vern Iverson and tied for third were Betsy and Bob Brown along with Bev Lamon and Gerry Craig. On the evening of Oct. 7, in the city, there were three tables with top score going to David Sharpe and Vern Iverson. Second were Margaret Dyck and Dave Creegan.  

Last week, when two of my girls were visiting, we spent a couple hours at the golf course. I drove one of the carts. The fall scenery was so bright with the yellow trees among the spruce against the green of the greens. I enjoyed the birds that hang out there and watching a couple of muskrats teasing the ducks on the pond. Some new spruce trees have arrived and are being planted. 

A meeting of Do Drop In members was held Oct. 8. Vivianne Lesko chaired the meeting in the absence of Eric Callbeck. Shuffleboard activity is looking for a new co-ordinator for their monthly gatherings. Benevolent cards were sent to Cora Christiansen, Larry Dyck and Allie Raycroft ‑ all with broken hips and in hospital. A sympathy card went out to the Marlene Bridge family.

Brenda Zurowski reports the library has had a busy summer serving the usual patrons and several from the campground. From May to July, there were 662 books checked out. Last year there were 108. The computer was used by 13 people and e-resources were used 441 times. Their summer reading program had 11 participants from six to 13 years of age. Meota branch had three winners. Dallas Pelletier won in July and August and Ryan Pelletier and Caleb Gansuage in August. A few readers took part in a program put on by North Saskatchewan River Basin Council with the theme, "Notice Nature."

Lakeland Library Region is celebrating Library Week Oct. 17 to 23. The Meota branch will welcome all members of the community of Meota and area Oct. 23. As of the time of writing, masks are required.

Check out all of the resources in the library and find out about the online resources to which there is access, as well. Saskatchewan Libraries Association is also running a book spine poetry contest this fall. Check it out online or come to the library for the details. The grand prize is a $100 gift card from Chapters to the winner in each of the four age group categories.

Bob Lesko donated four TV trays, a welcome addition to replace some that were getting old.

The next meeting will be Nov. 12 at 10 a.m.

A drive up Highway 4 on Saturday showed the ditches nicely mowed, right to the fence lines. The patchwork of gravel on top of the pavement must have a purpose but the sound of it is not appreciated. Still to do before winter is the painting of the lines, as they are getting worn off. There was big black smoke coming from east of Cochin on our way back, appearing to be on the reserve. There were several cars parked below the lighthouse and people were at the top enjoying the view.  It's nice to know it is appreciated, as it is kept up for people to enjoy.

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