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Meota and District News: Seniors ponder future of centre’s piano

90th birthday celebrated at shuffleboard tournament.
The winning couples in shuffleboard at the Do Drop In Nov. 12 were Linda Ard and Jerry Goodheart, Carol Dyck and Gordon Cline, Karn Kelly and Stella Rendle. They are pictured with tournament master Nestor Fransoo.

MEOTA — The piles of snow around the village are growing quickly and warmer weather is on the way. It’s a change we are looking forward to. The change from summer to winter came on suddenly and it takes some getting used to. The hoar frost on the trees compensates for the missing leaves.

Bridge was played in North Battleford Nov. 8, with two tables, so individual scores were kept. Earning top score was Gerry Craig. Second was Albert Blais and tied for third were Donna Scherman and Mary Phelps. Nov. 10, they had three and half tables. Section A saw Mary Phelps and Gerry Craig first, then Cletus Scherman and Eric Callbeck. Tied for third were Margaret Dyck and Dave Creegan along with Donna Scherman and Catriona Winterholt. Section B winners were Gerry Craig and Mary Phelps.

The Red Cross has a Friendly Calls program where a lonely person can call for someone to talk to. People over 55 can sign up for a friendly chat with a trained Red Cross volunteer. Call 306-721-1635 or visit

Another program set up for lonesome seniors over 55 that uses only your telephone is Senior Centre Without Walls based in Moose Jaw. To contact this program phone Rhonda at 306-631-4357 or go to [email protected].

The monthly meeting at the Do Drop In was held Nov. 10 with 10 members attending. The library is holding its own, and keeping busy. Plans regarding the Christmas supper slated for Dec. 4 were gone over. Problems with the front outer door were discussed and will be checked out. Some discussion regarding the piano also followed, but no motion was made about its future.

Norwegian Whist was played at the Do Drop In Nov. 11 afternoon with top scores going to Eric Callbeck, Albert Huys and Adele Racicot. A nice afternoon was spent socially.

After two years of no shuffleboard, the seniors were back in business on Saturday, Nov. 12, with a full slate of players at the Do Drop In, who enjoyed a busy, full day of action. It began at 9:30 a.m. and went to 4:30 p.m. Nestor Fransoo headed the program and participants took a break at noon to enjoy a hearty potluck meal, as good a smorg as you would ever find, thanks to the many cooks. Other games going on while shuffleboard was being played included Kaiser, Chit Chat, Sequence and Scrabble, so if you weren’t watching the shuffleboard players you were busy elsewhere. During the noon break, Rose Delainey's 90th birthday that day was recognised with a birthday cake, a floral arrangement and singing “Happy Birthday.”

The winning couples in shuffleboard were Linda Ard and Jerry Goodheart. Second were Gordon Cline and Carol Dyck and third were Stella Rendle and Karn Kelly. The only damper on the day was the continuous snowfall that had to be dealt with before heading home.

There is no doubt it was one of the better tournaments ever held but the next one will not be until January.


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