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Radisson and District 93rd Agricultural Fair

The Saturday events of the Radisson and District 93rd Agricultural Fair Aug. 9 and 10 started with the parade at 11 a.m., with over 25 entries.
Duncan Stead of Radisson gets his MM GVl to work its hardest during the Radisson Fair vintage tractor pull.

The Saturday events of the Radisson and District 93rd Agricultural Fair Aug. 9 and 10 started with the parade at 11 a.m., with over 25 entries. Leading the way were the flag-bearers on horseback, Dale and Dianne Kieper, followed by the mayor and town council, then Dave Ruzesky and his barrel train loaded with kids.

There were decorated bike riders, MLA Randy Weekes, Michelle Turgeon and her miniature pony and donkey, and three teams hitched to democrats - Brad and Gaye Funk with gray Percherons, Ken and Pat Crush and grandchildren with their quarter-horse-cross team and Tom and Steve Payne with a team of Clydes.

Following were floats - the Nutting Hillbilly family in their beards throwing out Mardi Gras necklaces, Radisson Antique and General Store, Tanner Repair, Kare Ag, Radisson Library and Radisson Co-op. The Container Guys were in a dune buggy, followed by a Sunridge motorhome and quads.

Three classic cars were in the parade: Barb Cousins driving a 1965 Mustang, Norm Hiebert with his 1955 Mercury and Parade Marshal Russ Fountain in his 1961 Chrysler. Bringing up the rear were the Radisson new white fire truck, rescue truck and older red fire truck, with sirens going and fire fighters handing out red fire helmets to the kids.

Inside the curling rink was Beeper the Clown entertaining with a puppet show and making balloon figures and animals. There was face painting. Bunnies, snakes, iguanas, mice, rats and a baby hedgehog belonging to Chris Donaldson and Jeff Beaudoin were on display. Also in the rink was the Royal Purple ice cream booth and all of the exhibits.

Along one wall was a photo display of Radisson over 100 years - buildings, school events and the school districts.

Winning mini tractor trophies in the kids' tractor pull, looked after by Greg and Loretta Flath, were: three- and four-year-olds, Tayvin Werezak; five- and six-year-olds, Dalton Friesen; seven- and eight-year-olds, Cooper Flath; and nine- and 10-year-olds, Landon Beaudoin.

In all the exhibits, gymkhana and the light horse show, entries were down this year from last year. The dance put on by the fire fighters also saw a decrease in attendance.

There were two great meals on the two days.

Exhibit winners listed are all from Radisson unless otherwise stated. High point winners were: grains, sheaves and hay, and grains for seed - first Carter Amson, second Brayden Amson of North Battleford; roots and vegetables - first Gail Schoenroth, second Connie Verishine of Langham, third Loretta Flath; garden fruits - first Darlene Kindt and Connie Verishine, third Doris Hamp, Deloris Hawkins, Beth Pain and Cathy Miller; canned goods - first Martha Lessing, second Doris Hamp, third Laura Reiter and Melissa Hosegood; Vera Hamel special award for canned tomatoes won by Martha; domestic products, first Linda Yuskiw; second Angie Hamp of Warman and Darlene Kindt; Wenner's special won by Linda; chocolate cake special won by Bernice Buell; Radisson Ag bread special won by Linda and Cathy Miller; needlework - first Doris Reimer of Borden, second Linda Hosegood and Loretta Flath; applique quilt shown by Joyce Schultz; machine-stitched quilt by Loretta Flath, table runner by Loeanne Omit of Asquith; outdoor flowers - first Cathy Miller of Langham, second Linda Yuskiw, third Joyce Schultz; open class crafts - first Chris Donaldson, second Audrey Friesen, third Beth Pain, Keeley Bzdel, Paige Pain and Colin Baker; art open class - first Linda Paulow of Hafford, second Kelsie Fouhy of Sonningdale and third Louise Cochran, Rob Schmidt, and Jordyn Fehr-Stead; photography - first Kim Nielsen of Edmonton, second Bill Sherlock of Maymont, third Darcy Yasieniuk of Hafford.

In photography, 17 and under, first went to Stephanie Tanner, second to Keara Amson and third to Kailee Popowich of Yorkton. In junior art, 17 and under, first was Audrey Friesen, second Jan Friesen and third Reeve Johnson. For junior work, in the pre-school and kindergarten category, first was won by Kaiden Borowski of Saskatoon, second by Parker Miller and third by Carter Miller, both of Langham. For ages six to 12 years, first was Alyssa Popowich, second Rayna Yasieniuk of Hafford and third Sydney Schmidt of Borden. For ages 13 - 17, first was Kailee Popowich of Yorkton, Keeley Bzdel was second and Jan Friesen third.

In 4-H, the Susan Baker high point award went to Rayna Yasienuik, with Hunter Reid being second and Cole Reid third, all of Hafford.

There were 20 teams in the slo-pitch tournament. Winners were: A side -Stott & Co of Radisson, defeating Wheatking Prospects of Borden; B side - 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain't One of Borden, beating out Ball Grabbers; C side - Wasted, beating Twin Lakes; D side - Find the Hole won over Stars; and in E(a) Aces & Eights won and in E(b) Gonz Show won. The Rake defeated the Glitter Snatchers - all girls - to take the F side, Junk in the Trunk from Borden beat The Hamps from Radisson for the G event and Nutting Family won over There's No Crying in Baseball to take the H side.

In the vintage tractor pull, with 24 entries in the 4,000 pound class Brittany Attrux of Speers won with her 1939 Cockshutt 70 and Russ Schultz was second with a '47 MH20. In 4,500 pounds, first was Logan Urick of Perdue with his 1959 AC. In the 5,000 pound class, first went to Richard Maynberg of Payton driving a 1965 JD. In the 6,000 pound class, first went to Terry Box of Unity driving a 1941 JD and second to Brittany Attrux with her 1952 JD. For the 7,000 lb class, first was won by Cliff Wilkie driving a 1951 MMG and second by Miles Gray of Perdue driving a 1953 Oliver 88. In 8,000 pounds, first went to Scott Weir of Perdue with a 1969 MF and second to Russ Schultz driving a 1948 MH 55. In 9,000 lbs, first was won by Colin Bergund of Perdue with a 1952 JDR and second by Scott Weir with a 1960 MF98. The 10,000 lb class had Scott Weir winning with a 1959 MF 95 and Jim Attrux of Speers second, driving his 1958 IH 650. In the 12,000 pound class, Nolan Loessin was first, driving a 1958 JD 820, and Scott Weir second with a 1959 MF 98.

The Bernhard Wilkie Memorial Trophy went to the winner of the class with the most entries and that was the 12,000 pound class with eight entries so Nolan Loessin gets the trophy for a year.

Staff and friends at the Borden Primary Health Centre got together and purchased a metal engraved bench in memory of Curtis Crabb who was the maintenance man and janitor at the centre for many years before his untimely passing from cancer earlier this year. The engraving is "In Memory of Curtis Crabb" and an image of the 1949 vehicle that he had restored is engraved in the back. The bench is situated on the front lawn beside the entrance to the health centre.

The Borden Seniors' Club has been invited to the Maymont Seniors' Club Aug. 21 for a program and meal. There are at least 23 from Borden planning to attend the afternoon event.

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