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A beacon of hope in Saskatchewan

It started in 1981, when a small group of people in Borden decided it was time to organize some community minded citizens to serve in their area. Lions International seemed to fit the bill and this group became the Borden Lions Club.
Lion Archie Wainwright (in the Lions hat) proudly presents a donation to Borden Fire Chief Terry Tkazcyk. In attendance are volunteer firefighters Rob Schmidt, Dave Buckingham, Jamie Brandrick, Ian Wainwright and Peter Thiessen.

It started in 1981, when a small group of people in Borden decided it was time to organize some community minded citizens to serve in their area.

Lions International seemed to fit the bill and this group became the Borden Lions Club. With hearts as big as Saskatchewan itself, this club of only 17 members continues to serve their community today.

Because of their involvement with Lions they proudly share in the pride of assisting Haiti, New Zealand and Japan to deal with the disasters life has dealt them along with other nations. The Lions structure itself brings all clubs together globally to unite to serve fellow man with clubs in 205 countries and geographical locations which includes Antarctica, how "cool" is that?

Watch out for Lions prowling around Borden if you happen to be there. They'll be there alright.

You'll see them working with youth at the school with their Lions Speak Off, which promotes public speaking, helping with needs required in their town like the volunteer tire department, taking the lead on the Borden Remembrance Day activities, not to mention the Christmas Carol Festival.

They're the ones raising money for the many sight related projects Lions do as a whole, such as donating to: guide dogs in Canada for the sight impaired, cornea transplants in India, treating river blindness in Africa, donating to the CNIB (Saskatoon area), the Canadian Diabetes in Saskatchewan and they do all this by "cooking up their meals" for various groups in the community.

Let's not forget about this club's choir, which, when invited, will open any venue with the national anthem.

If that's not enough, the club is now focusing on the new children's hospital (opthalmolgy department) for their next project.

Do they seek thanks or praise? No, they only seek the feeling of helping someone in their community, in their area or someone in the world. If you have ever wondered what that feels like, try helping a Lions Club in your area and feel the joy, the love and the thrill of helping someone that needs assistance.

In 1917 the founder of the Association of Lions Clubs, Melvin Jones stated, "You can't get very far until you start doing something for someone else."

In 1925 Helen Keller challenged the Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." Like a lighthouse that stands solid on the rocky shore, that guides lost sailors safely home from stormy seas, the Borden Lions Club shines within the province of Saskatchewan bringing hope and assistance to those who feel alone and helpless.

I have served their club for the past three years as a zone chairperson, and more recently this past year as region chairperson and I am proud to be associated with them, honoured to have worked with them and thrilled to watch them serve their community and their world.

Of course there are several clubs around our district that have also extended their support for these and other projects in our communities, but it's these kinds of Lions who make Saskatchewan such a special place to live.

On behalf of those you have served and assisted, I thank you Borden Lions from the bottom of my heart, you are truly "a beacon of hope" in our province,

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