PRINCE ALBERT — The Print Shop at the Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Prince Albert campus will be closing July 1.
The closure of Prince Albert and Moose Jaw campus print shops, and the layoff of the eight staff, were noted in an internal memo obtained by the Moose Jaw Independent. Printing duties for the two campuses will be sent to Saskatoon and Regina.
Saskatchewan Polytech provided a statement on the closure Friday afternoon.
“Saskatchewan Polytechnic regularly conducts an operational review to ensure program alignment with current market demand, operating efficiencies and budget accountability,” the organization states.
As part of the review, eight full-time and part-time academic and professional services employees based out of four campus locations received layoff notices.
“These changes represent a reduction of 7.25 FTEs, which is less than one per cent of Sask Polytech’s workforce. It is critical that we remain focused on the future and on our mission to inspire success in every learning journey,” the statement said.
Sask Polytechnic declined to share which positions, departments or programs would be impacted citing employee privacy.