HUDSON BAY — Creating digital content is going to be an important part of Hudson Bay’s new marketing campaign, especially with approved grant money from Tourism Saskatchewan helping with the creation of this new content.
Jeanine Holowatuik, the town’s community development director, said diversifying their focus was a big part of the project. Instead of focusing on winter activities, which has been the focus of previous campaigns, Lost Girls Guide to Travelling the World blogger, Ashlyn George, was brought in on the project to provide the focus for fall activities, especially outdoor experiences.
“We were pretty much focused on the nature-based aspect of it; the beauty of nature, as well as the other things that you can do in the community during this time, such as the walking trails and visiting local businesses,” Holowatuik said.
Originally from Leslie, Sask., a village of 15 people between Foam Lake and Elfros, George has made a name for herself as a travel blogger travelling to over 60 countries in the past 10 years following her convocation from university. Being from the province, George enjoys bringing Saskatchewan and its many outdoor travel destinations into focus.
While profiling Hudson Bay, George wanted to shine a light on the beauty of the larches in the area as well as the local businesses that she got to visit on her trip.
“They're a really unique tree in that they actually lose their needles. They’re conifers but they lose their needles and before they do that, they turn a golden yellow. So they're just really cool trees.”
George has been to Hudson Bay four or five times already, she said, but there has always been something new to do there.
George was the Saskatchewanderer in 2015 and has been a full-time blogger since 2016.
Hudson Bay council was updated on the marketing project and George’s involvement during the last council meeting on Oct. 13.