Maneuvering large trucks within cul-de-sacs while avoiding vehicles has been challenging for the Town of Battleford, and officials hope new signage will keep vehicles off the street at certain times.
Council approved signage saying street parking will be prohibited on pick-up days. Signs will be posted in cul-de-sacs.
According to CAO John Enns-Wind’s administrative report, “to date Public Works have taken an ‘inform and educate’ approach through handing out letters to residents numerous times. This has not been successful.
“Now, the preferred option is to put up signage at the entrance of each cul-de-sac to aid [and] inform residents of the need to have the cul-de-sac clear of vehicles during compost, garbage and recycling pick-up days. Should this not work the next step is the enforcement of no parking on pick-up days through the issuing of parking tickets. This action is necessary on seven locations throughout Battleford West.”
Navigating garbage trucks in cul-de-sacs has been “a real challenge,” Enns-Wind said. “We’ll start with [signage], and if this doesn’t work we’ll take the next step and the next step. We think this is the best way to start out.”
The administrative report didn’t note set times about restricted parking, as, according to Enns-Wind, “to put all the details where you can and can’t park would create a very large sign,” and there are many variables.
In practice, street parking restrictions would appear to be something like 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on pick-up days. Garbage trucks and other public works vehicles would likely be finished in those areas before 5 p.m.
Enns-Wind said residents are given a calendar detailing when garbage will be picked up and generally know the schedule of garbage pick up.
The report goes on to say cul-de-sacs “hamper effective operations including compost, […] snow clearing, street sweeping, water line stagnation issues and freezing of the waste water and water lines.”
Enns-Wind called cul-de-sacs “an operational nightmare.” Enns-Wind and Mayor Ames Leslie said the Town is working to avoid cul-de-sacs in future developments.