Pruning is a year-round activity. The heavy-duty pruning (removal of diseased, damaged, crossing and other problem limbs) is best left for late fall through to early spring, while the leaves are off. But there’s plenty left to do during the growing season, especially with flowering shrubs.
Q. When is the best time to prune my lilacs?
A. Lilacs produce buds for next year shortly after flowering. So if you wait too long, say until August or September, you will be removing buds for next spring, thereby reducing next year’s display. So timing is important. My advice is to prune as soon as your lilac has finished flowering. That will give it plenty of time to develop new flower buds.
Q. When should I prune my spireas?
A. That depends on the spirea. If it’s a spring flowering type (e.g. bridal wreath, Spirea prunifolia, S. nipponica), prune shortly after flowering. These types can become woody, leggy and less productive if not cared for properly. Remove dead and thin, weak growth first. Then remove up to one third of the oldest wood right down to the base. The other type is the summer flowering spirea, usually with coloured leaves (e.g. Goldmound, Goldflame, Mini Sunglo, Anthony Waterer series, etc; S. bumalda, S. japonica, and hybrids). Prune the bush hard in late fall or early spring, down to six inches, before any growth has started. You will be rewarded with a perfect compact mound. Prune lightly again immediately after flowering, removing just the spent flower clusters. This will tidy up the appearance as well as encourage a second flowering.
Q. My overgrown Mock Orange (Philadelphus lewisii) is just beginning to flower. How and when’s the best time to prune?
A. Prune shortly after flowering. Mock orange has a tendency to become leggy. This can be corrected with regular light pruning. Remove up to one-quarter of the oldest branches down to the ground every year.
Q. What’s the best way to dead head my rose?
A. The old advice was to find the first five-or seven-leaflet leaf below the spent flower and make a slightly sloping cut above that leaf. With modern breeding, it’s not so important to count leaflets, especially with the hardy shrub roses. What’s important is that you make your cut above a bud that faces away from the centre of the rose to promote good branching structure.
Bonus Q. Why should I cut the new growth back on mugo pine?
A. Mugo pines are often planted with the thought that they will be dwarf shrubs. And while there are dwarf or slow growing varieties, the shrubs may not have read their own labels and can outgrow their allotted space faster than you planned on. In spring, new growth appears as upright, stubby stems (aka candles). If left, the new growth can extend several inches adding unwanted height and width. To keep mugos in check (and to ensure a compact mound), cut the new growth by up to half with sharp hand pruners (you can also use your fingers to do this). Do this while the candles are still compressed, before they extend to full length and become woody (i.e. early to mid-June). If pruned too late, next year’s buds will not have a chance to form on the cut ends and eventually the stubby branch will die back.
— This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (; [email protected]; Check out our Bulletin Board or Calendar for upcoming garden information sessions, workshops, tours and other events: June 26, Honeywood Heritage Nursery (Parkside, SK) – Artists in Bloom: Showcasing Artists and Craftspeople from throughout the region ( GardenLine is back for the season to help solve your gardening glitches. FREE. Phone (306) 966-5865 or email [email protected].