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Striving, struggling without a cigarette

Ed, my neighbour next door, has found himself in a domestic battle for survival. Ruby, Ed's wife of 30 years, has demanded Ed resist smoking at home, or find himself the victim of bloodshed.

Ed, my neighbour next door, has found himself in a domestic battle for survival. Ruby, Ed's wife of 30 years, has demanded Ed resist smoking at home, or find himself the victim of bloodshed. Ruby is in an uproar because Ed almost burned the garage down. Seems Ed accidentally started a fire in an old pail he keeps for cigarette butts in the garage. Apparently, one of his discarded cigarette butts set the pail of them on fire. According to Ed, it was mostly smoke and no real threat, but it sure got Ruby excited. For now, Ed is willing to smoke out at the farm until Ruby cools off. With harvest just days down the road, it won't be much of a hardship because Ed will be at the farm most of the time.

Ruby says, "It's time I laid the law down to the darn old fool, for he has had 30 years to quit and he is still puffing away." Now, after 30 years, Ruby has closed the door to Ed's smoking anywhere at home. Not being able to smoke at home may cause Ed to weep and gnash his teeth, but Ruby says that is his problem not hers'. Ed has confided that Ruby may not come off the warpath on the smoking thing, so he'll be spending more time at the farm.

It is a real struggle to quit smoking after 30 years. Many have tried to quit smoking, but have not been able to do so. Many have struggled and have been able to quit. Some of those who were able to quit have started up smoking again, for their non-smoking did not last. The struggle not to smoke was too great for them.

Ed sees quitting smoking as a real hard struggle, but sees being a Christian as no struggle at all. Ed claims, "Everyone will be alright; there is no hell. Some people don't end up first in heaven and some people last in hell weeping and gnashing their teeth."

The bible tells that someone asked Jesus whether only a few would be saved. Jesus did not say how many, but made it personal. He told the person to look to himself. Many will not be saved; don't let it happen to you. Strive, struggle to enter through the narrow door. For a time will come when it will be too late for you to enter through the narrow door.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life that leads to God the Father in heaven. Jesus is the narrow door. The striving and struggling is in ourselves. There is within us a deep root of rebellion and unbelief. Freely in love, Jesus overcame sin and death for us on the cross. He opened the door of heaven to all believers. Jesus, the good shepherd, leads but he doesn't force or drag us as his sheep. The Christian struggle is great, for each must battle the rebellion and pride within us that would keep us from repentance and following and serving God and our neighbour.

God's word promises that many will be saved from the east and west and come to a heavenly banquet. They will come from every language, tribe, people and nation. They will all come through the narrow door, Jesus Christ.

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