50 years ago
Mike Vetter won a high calibre rifle from the Metcalfe’s store in Unity. Jim Metcalfe awarded a rifle annually to one lucky shopper with the only entry requirement being to make a purchase at his store and sign your name.
Unity Little Theatre was working on a musical production of Anne of Green Gables, with Marion Jacobs cast in the role of Anne, and Anne’s friend Dianna being played by Maureen Robertson.
Randy Kappel and Lyle Aasen of Wilkie attended the annual meeting of the Saskatchewan branch of the Red Cross. They were representing a new youth branch in Wilkie.
On behalf of the Unity Lions Club, Cliff Simpson presented a $900 cheque to the CNIB.
Superior Foods Shop-rite was advertising Kraft Dinner, six for 99¢, and panti-hose, two for $1.
20 years ago
The Heartland Health Region was preparing to fight West Nile Virus, and Wilkie town crews were expecting directions on when to start an attack on mosquitos.
Warm, windy weather allowed the Unity Golf Course to open.
A photo of a jumping Josh Campbell at age 17 was shown in The Northwest Herald, with the caption: “There is nothing better to do on a warm spring day than kicking a hacky-sack around downtown Unity with a couple friends.”