Soft lighting and Christmas trees set a comforting scene for the annual Interdenominational Christmas Service of Remembrance at St. Peter’s Church, Dec. 1. This serene, peaceful event, sponsored by Gerein Funeral Service, helps soothe the grief and loss that may affect us more deeply at Christmas time. Beautiful carols, hymns and music was provided by many talented local singers and musicians, filling a half hour prelude to the service. Many people hung a special ornament on the tree in memory of their loved one.

Dr. Omosomi Esebameh welcomed everyone, then spoke about grief, joy, and the fullness of peace. She reminded us that the love of Jesus sustains us, and she closed with a prayer.
Leah Perrault, a national speaker from Swift Current, related her experiences with several great losses, including miscarriage, murder of her twin sister, job loss, suicide of her child’s Godfather and depression. She gave a very powerful and exceptional message, saying death may seem like an injustice, but it awaits us all. She reminded us that even God lives in loss and sorrow, that Jesus wept at the loss of his friend Lazarus, and that we are not alone in our grief and sorrow. There is no way out, we must go through it by talking through our losses and not carry them inside. Jesus comes to us, walking along quietly. We can pray with or without words. She said we have “grace” moments from our loved ones. We need rest to heal, to go gently, to feel free to just take time and do nothing, to adjust traditions, to do something that reminds us of our loved ones, and to give ourselves permission to enjoy joy.
Soft beautiful music played while candles were lit in memory of lost loved ones and while the names of the deceased were read. The glowing candlelight gave comfort, peace and hope.
The Unity Ministerial Association members recited prayers and intercessions along with hymns sung by the choir to conclude the service.
A lovely lunch served afterwards as a time of friendship, support and love.
Warm and heartfelt gratitude to Gerein Funeral Service to all of the participants, volunteers and the musicians for providing this very meaningful service.