The Estevan Comprehensive School (ECS) is excited now that school is back in session.
The school will be starting the school year with 729 students as of Sept. 4, a number slightly higher than last year.
In an email, ECS principal Pat Jeannot said the school has made several changes in their staffing and has welcomed Tianna Kissick, who will be teaching math courses, and Devyn Burant, who will now be teaching mechanics. Burant interned with ECS in the past, and has now joined the staff as a permanent member. Ashley Cote will also be taking over some of the student services duties at the school, as Pat Fergusson, who previously filled the role, has retired.
Band and choral classes will still continue to run as half-hour classes over the lunch for ECS students. The school has moved to a one hour lunch is to accommodate students who want to take the extra elective, as they were able to do in the past.
ECS has also announced a flexible learning time for the school year. Twenty-two minutes have been set aside after first period on a daily basis to incorporate this initiative. Flexible learning time is student directed meaning that the students have the freedom to access those instructors that they need help from during this period of time.
It may be to access help on assignments, prepare for exams, or simply connect with their teachers. It is for all students – those who wish to have the extra help from their instructors, to those who lead busy lifestyles due to sports, work, etc., and who would like to use it for assignment completion.
There will be two new courses offered for ECS students this year, computer science 20 and sports medicine 20.
Several events have been held by ECS now that the school year has started. A ‘Load Your Locker’ event was held on Aug. 29, and Jeannot said it was well attended by students. An open house was held on Sept. 12, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
And ECS will be hosting an event on Sept. 17 for Youth Safety Education Day. The day will feature presentations and exhibits for ECS students from industry leaders, and youth safety experts.