The new president of the Royal Canadian Legion’s Estevan branch is honoured to be elected to the post, and looking forward to his two-year term.
Jim (Frosty) Forrest was elected to the post during the legion’s annual past-president’s dinner on Saturday night. He had been the first vice-president for the past two years. Lyle Dukart will move from the president to past-president’s role.
“I’m certainly going to lean on the past-president for some guidance, and some people who have gone before me,” said Forrest.
The legion will continue to work on its financial picture, as that was a big challenge the last two years, and try to attract new members while doing what it can to assist veterans.
“That’s our purpose. If we aren’t doing that, then the legion is kind of pointless,” said Forrest. “The legion is here to serve veterans and we’re working very hard on that.”
The legion has teamed up with OSI Canada for a charity hockey game involving the Montreal Canadiens alumni in February to support veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
“There are lots of veterans out there, despite what we tend to think … and it’s important that them and their families are assisted in every way they need.”
Forrest and the planning committee for the Canadiens celebrity game are looking forward to the game.
The legion also needs to continue to focus on membership.
“Maybe there are some … who are no longer members, so we’re going to try to find out why, and see if we can’t have them back as members. Certainly we’re going to try to recruit new members, and expand our volunteer base. A lot of what we do is done voluntarily, and the more volunteers you have, the less work it is for everybody.”
Forrest described the local branch as a group of fighters. A lot of organizations that faced the financial difficulties the legion encountered last year would have just laid down, but the branch moved forward and kept the branch going.
“We have a lot of property here, and it costs a lot of money to maintain and look after that,” said Forrest.
Dukart said it has been a challenging two years for the legion due to the financial issues, but the organization has paid off its debt. But they continue to struggle to stay ahead of their expenses. They now use a lot of volunteers in the club room, and Dukart said their efforts are appreciated.
“The roof on the club room was leaking, badly, therefore a new peaked roof was installed this year, so we are now faced with cleaning up the damage the water has caused,” said Dukart.
The legion has hired a book-keeper for those jobs, and Sask. Command of the Legion has put together an advisory committee to help the legion.
A dedication ceremony was held in September to honour the Hong Kong Veterans, including Bernard Jesse, (?) Grainger of Estevan, and Howard Bembridge of Bienfait. The legion was presented with the plaque that now hangs in the small hall.
Dukart is also pleased the honour wall in the Royal Heights Veterans’ Memorial Park has been completed. A dedication ceremony will happen in May of next year.
The legion also elected and inducted the rest of its executive during the supper.
Tyson Wilhelm is the new first vice-president. The legion is seeking someone to be the second vice-president.
Willie Forrest will be the sergeant at arms, Cort Barker will be the assistant sergeant at arms, Leonard Grube is the treasurer and Bernice Forrest will be the secretary.
Alroy Yoner, Colleen Jensen, Sandra Isbister, Bob Wilhelm and Al Peterson are on the one-year executive. The legion is still seeking one more person for the one-year executive.
George Kingdon, Tom O’Sullivan and Ryan Fleck are on the two-year executive. Three more positions are still available on the two-year executive.
Geoff Thiessen will serve as the chaplain.
Roberta Taylor of Oxbow, who is a provincial first vice-president for the legion, swore in the executive members.