A peaceful protest is going to be held in Estevan Sunday to take a stand against racial injustice.
The event will happen Sunday at 2 p.m. along the Estevan Court House’s sidewalk.
“When we see injustice happening in the world, it’s our job to use our voices. When we see something, say something. We can never understand the pain and injustice fellow human beings have faced based on their skin colour but we can acknowledge it and we can stand for radical change,” states a promotional item for the event. “Injustice has been brought to light; you have a choice to stay silent or to stand for peace.”
If people have felt compelled to take a stance for injustice by posting a black square for #blackouttuesday earlier this week, they are asked to come show their physical support on Sunday.
And if people stand for equal human rights, then Dallas Macalalad, an event organizer, says she hopes they will join this peaceful protest to show acknowledgement, peace, self-reflection and a willingness to change the world.
People are asked to bring a big sign and show their support.
She also urges all participants to practise social distancing and wear a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19 if at all possible.