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Weyburn Wheatland Seniors Centre hosts bridge tournament

The Wheatland Seniors Centre hosted bridge players from districts around the province on April 15, with 32 players taking part.
The winners of a bridge tournament hosted by the Wheatland Seniors Centre on Saturday gathered after the competition, with 32 players taking part. From left are fourth place winners Lucy Nickel and Theresa Istace of Weyburn; second place winners Robert Stringer and Bonita Breti of Fort Qu’Appelle, and first place winners, Diana Durling and Fenton Wilson of Edgeley. Missing are third place winners Jean Molnar and Dorothy Hewson of Kennedy.

WEYBURN – The Wheatland Seniors Centre hosted bridge players from districts around the province on April 15, with 32 players taking part in the tournament.

First place went to Diana Durling and Fenton Wilson of Edgley; second was Bonita Breti and Robert Stringer of Fort Qu’Appelle; third was Jean Molnar and Dorothy Hewson of Kennedy, and in fourth was Lucy Nickel and Theresa Istace of Weyburn.

The results of games held from April 10-14 are as follows.

In bridge on Friday, Terry Bendickson won first, Dave Frayn placed second and Meta Murray was third.

The winners of spades were Theresa Istace in first; Basil Holyer in second; and Terry Bendickson in third.

For hi-lo whist, Connie and Ray Boucher won first; Marie Marcotte and Dorothy Lindskog placed second; and Chris Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog tied for third with Gladys Lokken and Sharon Eggum.

The winners of canasta were, in first, Arvella Soroka; in second was Marge Warnke; in third, Shirley Cherpin; in fourth, Lavine Stepp, and in fifth, Ione Schnell.

In Kaiser, first place went to Lavine Stepp and Alice Schneider; in second was Ruth  Boren and Fran Long; in third, Shirley Sparks and Rose Levesque.

The winners of Thursday cribbage were Robert Scott and Stan Hubick in first; Shirley Sparks and Rose Levesque in second; Gerry Thompson and Emily Stadler in third; and Marge Schultz and Faye Johnson in fourth.

In shuffleboard, first place went to June and Bill Irvine; second was Rose Levesque and Pat Schutz; third went to Rick Wanner and Bonnie Evans; and fourth was Coral Schindel and Ray Boucher.

Wheatland will be hosting a beef-on-a-bun lunch on Wednesday, April 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $12 per person.

The month-end supper will be held on Friday, April 28 at 5:30 p.m., featuring a turkey dinner. Phone or drop by the centre to get your name on the list if you are attending. The deadline is Wednesday, April 26, before noon.

Bingo is held at the Wheatland every Thursday at 1 p.m., and slider cards are available for 50 cents each.

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