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Southwest firefighters trained in grain rescue

Volunteers gain skills in safely extricating victims caught in grain ‘quicksand.’
Members of Assiniboia, Lafleche, Kincaid, Gravelbourg and Wood Mountain fire departments took part in valuable grain rescue training in February.

ASSINIBOIA — Assiniboia’s Fire and Rescue Department responded to a motor vehicle collision and two false alarms for February, reports Fire Chief Terry Lacelle.

Ongoing training is part of the commitment of these volunteer firefighters to be as prepared as possible when the alarm bells rings. Along with a firetruck pump operations review, the team participated in an important training session on grain rescue.

Firefighters from Assiniboia, Lafleche, Kincaid, Gravelbourg and Wood Mountain took part.

Grain entrapments can have catastrophic results. Fire departments ensure their members are trained on the quick and safe evacuation in emergencies such as these.

According to the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting data, there were 27 fatalities due to asphyxiation from grain or soil on Canadian farms between 2011 and 2020.

Grain safety training highlights the severity, and reality, of grain entrapment situations and teaches fire and rescue personnel on the quick and safe evacuation of the victim. Grain flows can act like quicksand quickly pulling the victim down and completely restricting their movement, as there is no buoyance factor in grain.


“On behalf of our department and those who joined us in this training we owe thanks to Richardson Pioneer for supplying the grain, Golden South Ag for hauling the grain and use of the trailer as a prop, as well as Rebel Ag for the use of the shop to do the training in,” Assiniboia’s Fire Chief says.

“It’s collaborative efforts like these that help us train for these type of emergency situations that may arise. This training benefits the communities we serve.”




AFD is hosting their Firefighters Ball March 29, the first time since COVID-19. The evening includes a sit-down supper, silent auction and live music, with the purpose of the event to act as recognition for the firefighters and those who support them.

The evening will also include a running slide show of their work, a presentation on what they do in the community and an introduction of community firefighters along with awards presentations.

Chief Lacelle said tickets are available in several locations including the town office and Chuck’s Collision.



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