ASSINIBOIA — Who knew. When the very first Telemiracle captured our hearts almost 50 years ago, no one would have predicted that this important part of Saskatchewan’s community culture would be marking its 50th anniversary in 2026.
Assiniboia and area brought continued success stories to this year’s annual telethon. Assiniboia Kinsmen and Kinettes did a combined on-air presentation in the early afternoon of March. 2 that unveiled a combined total from Assiniboia of $64,341.21. This total represented Kinette and Kinsmen specific fundraisers, as well as the TOA hosted walk-a-thon/skate-a-thon and school donations.
Additionally, the Assiniboia Kin crew presented a donation from the Fife Lake Hotel, owned and operated by Lawson and Gail Harkness, who have now retired. Their final contribution was $30,847.10. The Harkness duo orchestrated and hosted this annual Telemiracle auction for 32 years, generating more than $355,000 over three decades.
Telemiracle faithful have seen the national cast come and go, saying goodbye to fan favorites like Bob McGrath and John Allen Cameron after their passing, but the steadfast commitment by District 3 Kinsmen and Kinette clubs to work all year towards this important telethon remains as strong as ever.
Telemiracle 49 wrapped up March 2 raising $5.7M, just shy of last year’s grant total of $6.1M. Many attested that in spite of economic conditions, they are once again proud of Saskatchewan’s efforts to continue to contribute to this annual Kin fundraiser.
Telemiracle 50 chairperson, Tammy Blackwell, unveiled the 50th anniversary logo and her and her committee affirm that plans have been underway for some time to mark this milestone celebration
Former Assiniboia Kinsmen and K-40 member, Doug McConnell said he, Wayne Ekdahl and others from Assiniboia’s Kinsmen Club travelled several times to meetings with Telemiracle founder, Urb Donlevy, to brainstorm and build a provincial fundraiser that is now known as Telemiracle.
Incoming chairperson, Blackwell, encouraged residents to watch all year for special announcements on upcoming year long celebrations that will be happening leading up to the golden anniversary of this Saskatchewan telethon.