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New Catholic Women's League president, new members welcomed

Weyburn CWL council discuss new resolutions

The St. Vincent de Paul Council of the Catholic Women's League recently welcomed a new president, new members, and dealt with resolutions to be sent to the provincial level of the organization.Jean Janoski told the members that Jeanne Procknow, who spearheaded the resolution calling upon the federal government to cease the support of the asbestos mining industry and to cease the sale of this carcinogen to developing countries, spoke to the resolution.The resolution also calls upon the federal government to sign on to the Rotterdam Accord, an international accord which ensures that hazardous materials are fully disclosed to any party that may import or purchase such materials. Canada has continuously balked at signing the Accord.As the resolution was passed at the diocesan level, Procknow will now speak to the resolution at the provincial level in June in Saskatoon. If it is passed provincially, this call to action will be presented at the national convention in Ottawa.The CWL annually presents resolutions to the federal government, which address the concerns of the nearly 100,000 Catholic women who hold membership in the League.At Mass prior to its general meeting, the St. Vincent de Paul Council of the Catholic Women's League of Canada welcomed and initiated its newest members on May 17, including Camille Goski, Velda Goski, Linda Rudachyk, and will formally welcome Narcel Nisda at a later time. The Council also recognized Marylu Rheaume, transferee from the Outlook council.Organization convenors, Jean Woodard and Shirley Mondor led those present in the initiation of the new members. After presenting the initiates with a candle, they led the members in the League Promise and presented the initiates with their League Crest and name tag.Following the initiation of Camille, Velda and Linda, Past Past-President, Doreen Guillemin, called forward Velma Hoffman, who has accepted the post of President of the council. At this time, Doreen Guillemin passed on the gavel and the crest pin of president to Velma. Then, the celebration of mass continued, and was followed by the general meeting at McKenna Auditorium.Sister Judy Schachtel SMS spoke of "Reclaiming the Sacredness of Creation" and talked about the deterioration of God's creation, the Earth. Shawna Sparrow, President of Teen Aid Saskatchewan, gave a power point presentation on the "chastity" education she delivers in Saskatoon schools. Several CWL councils described how they deal with the problem of recruiting members to leadership positions. Velma Harasen, national president-elect, also spoke and encouraged councils to celebrate the good work and companionship that the CWL offers.At the start of the meeting, approximately 30 members were led in prayer by President Velma, followed by a reading of the Wedding Feast of Cana, by Doreen Plante. Claire Kuhn then gave a reflection on the wedding feast and the role of Mary, mother of Jesus. She noted that Mary had a distinctive influence upon her Son, and His call to action is a powerful lesson to the women of the League.The meeting then carried on with business matters. A report on the May 2nd Brunch and Bake Sale was given. It was a very successful fundraiser. Treasurer Fran Messer, on behalf of co-convenor Marilyn Schuck, said the combination of less than favourable outdoor weather and timing brought many parishioners to the brunch. It was also stated that there was a significant number of diners from other congregations, for which the council is very grateful.The one downfall of a successful event is running out of provisions before the last guest had eaten. It is also noted by Marion Brown, bake sale convenor, that all of the baking sold. There were contributions of raffle prizes from retailers and from individuals, and all were gratefully appreciated.Monies raised by fundraisers such as the event on May 2 are used to support international programs such as MaterCare, an international support for mothers and children; Development and Peace; Coady Institute, a program which teaches people from developing countries about ways of successfully running businesses, health centres, and more, in their home country, and to support local and provincial causes such as milk programs at St. Dominic and St. Michael, St. Vincent de Paul Youth Group activities, Envision, Family Place, scholarships, Catholic Family Services, Weyburn Pro Life, and many other worthy causes.After a "spiritual exercise" lead by Christian Family Life and Community Life convenors, Doreen Guillemin and Sophie Gall, and reports from the various other committees, a report on the Diocesan Convention in Swift Current in April was given by Jean Janoski. She related that the convention was well attended and very informative.Returning to the regular agenda, President Velma Hoffman noted that member, Lila Bayerle, has passed away, and she called upon the council to provide an honour guard at the funeral. Members were also asked to sign up for shifts at the Co-op deck on Saturday, June 19 and for shifts at the Fair Booth during the Weyburn Exhibition in July.The final meeting of the CWL before the summer break will be a potluck supper on Monday, June 21. Guest speaker will be Therese Durston, who will speak about the Christian Ethics students' trip to Mexico, where the students built a house for a family in need of housing. Members are asked to watch for further details about the meeting. After closing prayers the evening ended with an angel food cake with strawberry snack, hosted by Joan Guillemin and Doreen Plante.

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