Flips, tricks, jumps and more. BMX riders from all across Saskatchewan are invited to join the second annual BMX Jam. The day of riding will take place on Sept. 1 from 2-7 p.m. at the Estevan Skate Park.
The day promises to be filled with competition and fascinating riding, and to turn into a great time with families and friends.
“It’s all ages. There will be music. There will be food. We got lots of prizes to give away to the riders,” said event organizer James Perry.
The best riders in different categories will be awarded various BMX parts like a frame, handlebars, wheels and much more. Perry said the company that helped them to organize the event supplied them with a lot of prizes.
“I think last year pretty much every kid that was there had something to take home,” said Perry.
There also will be a complete bike and a kid bike to be raffled off during the event. All proceeds from the day will go to Special Olympics Youth Estevan.
There is no formal registration prior to the event. Riders just need to come out with their bikes and show their best.
“Just show up, bring your bike and come ride… It’s like a competition, but it’s more laid back. Everyone just comes, rides, showcases their stuff and gets free stuff,” said Perry.
The event proved to be successful last year, with about 40 riders anywhere from seven to 30 years old participating and a lot of spectators enjoying their time and cheering for BMXers.
“Lots of variety, lots of guys came. And we ended up giving $1,200 to the humane society. And this year I think we’ll raise more than that,” said Perry. “If you have a kid (riding) or if you are just coming to watch, maybe bring a little camping chair and park a spot for a day and just hang out. Lots of fun stuff.”
This year BMX Jam program will be changed a little from the last year. Instead of high jump there will be a long jump. The time was extended as well to make sure all the participants get a chance to ride.
“I’m hoping to have more riders this year. There is a couple more guys from Saskatoon that weren’t there... Some of those guys are really good… so it should be exciting and entertaining for anybody,” said Perry.
He had personal and, at the same time, community-oriented motivation to put the event together.
“I’ve been riding ... since I was probably 12 or 13. When I first started there were so many kids at the skate park every day. Skate park was new at that time, so it made sense. But over time all the people of my age quit riding or moved away. So it seems like the skate park lost a couple of people… So I’m just trying to shine some light on the skate park and get some more kids out riding… And might raise some money as well while we are doing it,” said Perry.
And it seems that the plan is working.
“I think from last year compared to this year there has been more for sure. I was at the skate park the other night, and there were 10 kids on bikes,” said Perry.
If anyone wants to donate straight to the group, they can make an e-transfer to [email protected] at any time.
With any questions and for latest updates people can go to the Estevan BMX Jam Facebook page.