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Input sought on protective services training

The South Central Protective Services Asso­ciation has called towns, villages and RMs in the south central district for input on preferences for types of protective services training ahead of its De­cember meeting.

The South Central Protective Services Asso­ciation has called towns, villages and RMs in the south central district for input on preferences for types of protective services training ahead of its De­cember meeting.

The SCPS promotes co-ordinated emergency and protective services for south central Saskatch­ewan. The association will be meeting next on Decem­ber 6 in Assiniboia.

At their last meeting in Assiniboia, the South Central Protective Services Association agreed to send the request to the towns, villages and RMs of the district about protective services training that these individual communities are seeking. The goal is to the benefit community. The association also sent out brochures outlining the benefits of the SCPS, its organizational struc­ture, mission statement and membership list.

Its members include council members, repre­sentatives of fire depart­ments, RCMP and other emergency services.

There are mem­bers from the towns of Gravelbourg, Assiniboia, Coronach, Lafleche, Rock­glen, Mossbank and Wil­low Bunch, the villages of Wood Mountain and Viceroy, as well as the surrounding RMs of Lake of the Rivers, Poplar Val­ley, Old Post, Excel, Lake Johnston, Willow Bunch, Stonehenge and Sutton.

The South Central Protective Services As­sociation is involved in several activities including purchasing materials and putting on classes, said Er­win Jackson, chair of the South Central Protective Services Association. “The SCPS was instrumental in getting in the 911 pro­gram,” he described one of their past projects.

Another major accom­plishment of the SCPS has been raising funds for the much-needed life-saving Mass Casualty trailer lo­cated in Assiniboia, said Jackson. This special pro­ject took a lot of hard work and determination in fund­raising. This trailer is now available in the Assiniboia area to those that will need it in the event of a catas­trophe. He added that the association also purchased First Responder kits. One of the agenda items at the meeting was a discussion about further purchases of emergency equipment for public protection.

The SPCS also organ­izes emergency and pro­tection classes. Classes for protective services are now being considered for next February in Assiniboia. The classes will be run at cost recovery with dis­counts for SCPS members.

Community protective shapes the SCPS’s activities and emergency needs. “It’s up to the com­munities about what they want and what they need,” Jackson explained. The association was formed to bring together those re­sponsible for protective services in the region to provide the public of South Central Saskatchewan with the best possible service.

The association’s oper­ating funds come from a number of sources. It con­ducts some fundraising, but it also receives grants and donations. It does have funding set at $2 per capita per year for each member. The SCPS holds quarterly meetings and special meet­ings if needed. It works to improve the delivery and coordination of the fire and police protection services, and emergency medical and emergency prepared­ness services.

The SCPS maintains high quality protective ser­vices with the latest equip­ment and technologies in rural communities are ex­pensive. The association coordinates the services for the benefit of all partners by finding new and innova­tive ways to develop. The SCPS overcomes budget issues by sharing resour­ces, coordinating training efforts, establishing a buy­ing pool and other efforts.

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