Weyburn police received information regarding a suspected drug transaction on March 31. The police were able to locate one of the suspect vehicles and as a result a male has been charged with possession of cocaine.
Police received a report of a theft from a motor vehicle that was parked in the 10 block of Eighth Street on Wednesday. The matter is still under investigation.
Weyburn police on patrol on Saturday located an individual who was in possession of methamphetamine and possession of a weapon dangerous to the public.
Police received a report of a shoplifter at a local store on Sunday. The person was dealt with, agreed to pay for the products and was banned from shopping at the store.
Weyburn police received a report of the theft of a bicycle, described as a silver and red Razor BMX with blue rims and black spokes, red handlebar and red drive chain on March 30. The bike was stolen from the 10 block of Seventh Street NE.
City police received a report of fraudulent use of credit cards on March 31. The cards were stolen earlier from a vehicle. Charges are pending.
Weyburn police received a report on March 31 of a Facebook site that appears to show under-aged children engaged in sexual activity. The file has been turned over to the Integrated Child Exploitation Unit in Regina.
Weyburn police received a report regarding a suspicious vehicle on Thursday. As a result of the call and subsequent investigation, the driver was processed by an SFST Trained Officer for impairment by a drug. The SFST exam was negative and the person was allowed to proceed.
City police received a report on Thursday of a found bicycle, a blue and white KRANKED Fierry 2.6 24-speed with red rims. For anyone who may know who owns this bike, it is at the police station.
Weyburn police conducted a traffic stop on an individual that was known to be a suspended driver on Thursday. The driver was charged with driving while suspended and the vehicle was impounded.
City police received a request to execute a Mental Health Apprehension Warrant for an individual on Thursday. The person was located and picked up without incident and was taken to the hospital for assessment.
Police received a request to conduct a wellbeing check on a person believed to have suffered some sort of personal violence on Friday. As a result of the investigation the police were able to charge a male with assault.
Weyburn police received a call regarding suspicious people near a residence on Friday. As a result of attending and of following up on the complaint, a male was found to be operating a vehicle and was believed to be Impaired by a drug. A blood test was collected and the driver was suspended for three days. The results of the blood test will determine further criminal charges.
City police were dispatched to the scene of a vehicle collision where a utility pole was struck on Friday. There were no injuries.
Weyburn police observed a vehicle being operated by a suspended driver on Saturday. The driver was stopped and charged accordingly.
City police observed an unrelated vehicle being driven by a suspended driver on Saturday. The driver was charged accordingly.
Police responded to a report of a domestic disturbance with people yelling on Saturday. As a result a male was arrested without incident and has now been charged with assault.
The Weyburn Police Service continues to receive complaints regarding COVID-19 violations. Police wish to remind citizens that the public is able to call in suspected offences to the 1-855-559-5502 line.
City police also wish to remind everyone that as the long weekend approaches to refrain from travel. Although interprovincial travel has not been legally restricted, public health officials and the Premier have been strongly suggesting that no one travel anywhere for any reason other than absolute necessity.
Meantime, in Estevan, officers arrested two people from Weyburn on March 31 after what the EPS called a “shoplifting spree.” A 31-year-old man is facing six criminal charges for theft under $5,000. He also had a warrant for his arrest from the Weyburn Police Service.
A 41-year-old woman is also facing six criminal charges of theft under $5,000, one charge of possession of property obtained by crime and one charge of possession of crystal meth. The pair arrived in Estevan and made their way to five businesses where several items were allegedly taken.