Representatives of the Weyburn Police Association donated $5,000 to the Weyburn Youth Center on Tuesday, the proceeds from their golf tournament on Aug. 30. From left are Brian Hopfe, executive director of the Weyburn Youth Center; Const. Alyssa Kaczmar, treasurer, and Const. Darcy Cleasby, president of the Weyburn Police Association; and Chief Marlo Pritchard, who is a board member for the Youth Center.
The tournament had 19 teams take part with 78 golfers, and there was strong support from the local business community. Much of the funds raised were from hole sponsorships, silent auction items and a raffle for a Traeger smoker. The other members of the Police Association executive are vice president Const. Jason Rutten, and treasurer Const. Ryan Cherniawsky.
The donation will be used to make upgrades and improvements to the equipment being used in the TAGS drop-in centre of the Youth Center.
Upcoming, the Weyburn Youth Center will hold their annual fundraising banquet and auctions on Saturday, Oct. 5, at Knox Hall, and advance tickets are now for sale.
The doors will open at 5 p.m. and the supper will be served at 6 p.m.
The plans are to serve a banquet-style meal, with a silent and live auction, and there will be an update provided on the activities of the Youth Center from executive director Brian Hopfe.
The goal this year is to raise $35,000, which will go directly to the center’s operating budget, covering day-to-day operations such as power, water and sewer, insurance, telephone, and so on.
“The money we raise at the banquet allows us to keep our doors open for the youth of Weyburn and area,” said Hopfe.
“We at the Weyburn Youth Center are striving to reach out to youth of all different backgrounds. It’s our goal to provide a safe place for all youth, regardless of age, race, sex, colour or faith,” he said.
“We are striving to create a place where they feel loved and cared for, that is free from bullying, drugs and alcohol.”
To prepare for the fundraiser, the center is asking for the support of businesses and individuals in contributing items for the silent auction, for the live auction, and to buy tickets for the event or to sponsor a table or two.
Tickets are $25 each, or tables of eight are $200 each.
For businesses donating gift certificates, they should note the date of the banquet is Oct. 5. Income tax receipts can also be provided upon request.
“We continue to see many youth using our facility and are encouraged to see the ongoing support of the community,” said Hopfe.
For tickets, contact Hopfe at the office at 306-842-5165, or on his cell at 306-861-5300.