The Wheatland Senior Centre will host their Christmas supper on Friday, December 15, starting at 5:30 p.m. The centre will also host the Twinkle Tour for the Weyburn Kin Club on Thursday, December 14. The buses will leave the centre at 6:30 p.m., and after the tour, there will be refreshments and entertainment at the centre.
The results of the Senior Centre’s activities from Nov. 20-25 are as follows.
In bridge on Monday: 1. John Whitell; 2. Basil Holyer; 3. Jim Brown.
Bridge (Friday): 1. Basil Holyer; 2. Erskine Sandiford; 3. John Whitell.
Trump Whist: 1. Marie Marcotte; 2. Connie Boucher; 3. Evelyn Perrson.
Hi-Lo Whist: 1. Marg Leavens and Ezella Gatzke; 2. Ray and Connie Boucher; 3. Chris Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog.
Canasta: 1. Jean Reich; 2. Arvella Soroka; 3. Mary Halbert. Kaiser: 1. Jean Knibbs and Betty Knibbs; 2. Doug and Edith Lupanko; 3. Shirley Sparks and Melba Bent.
Thursday Crib: 1. Ken Fortner and Jim Crozier; 2. Marg Leavens and Emily Stadler; 3. Leonard and Marge Schultz. A pool tournament was held on Nov. 25 with participants from Regina, Swift Current and Stoughton, including Greg Tanner, Warren Munro, Jeff Wen, Dennis Chapadois, Mike Rey, Mike Peters, Kevin Bickner, Guy Lovestone and Terry Lovestone. Winners were: 1. Dennis Chapadois; 2. Terry Lovestone; 3. Guy Lovestone.
The results of the Senior Centre’s activities for the week of Nov. 27 to Dec. 1 are as follows: Bridge (Monday): 1. Jim Brown; 2. John Whitell; 3. Basil Holyer. Bridge (Friday): 1. John Whitell; 2. Reggie Frank; 3. Mildred Sandiford. Trump Whist: 1. Emily Marten and Lorraine Tytlandsvik; 2. Connie and Ray Boucher; 3. Norma Lohse and Myrna Oxelgren. Canasta: 1. Arvella Soroka; 2. Minnie Borshowa; 3. Elain Frasz.
Kaiser: 1. Joseph Stefaniuk and Tom Schutz; 2. Marlene Szczecinski and Ann Gutzke; 3. Ella Hartness and Phyllis Lindskog.
Thursday Crib: 1. Ken Fortner and Jim Crozier; 2. Leonard and Marge Schultz; 3. Jean Reich and Joan Gregory. Military Whist: 1. Tom Schutz, Joe Stefaniuk, Kay Bachman and Basil Holyer; 2. Connie Boucher, Ray Boucher, Evelyn Perrson and Myrna Oxelgren; 3. Emily Stadler, Ezella Gatzke, Marie Marcotte and Rose Levesque.