Hunter Eagles won’t have to travel far for the next stage in his football career.
Penta Completions Estevan Minor Football (EMF) announced Monday that Eagles has committed to play for the University of Regina Rams for the 2021 season as a defensive back.
He started with the EMF as a member of the atom Miners team and played all of his developmental football in Estevan, ending with the Estevan Comprehensive School Elecs. In his Grade 11 year in 2019, he was selected by the coaches in the Moose Jaw Minor Football League as the league’s top defensive player.
He has played and adapted to many positions on the football field during his time in Estevan.
“On top of that, he’s assisted EMF coaches in the past three seasons,” the EMF noted in a Facebook post.
In the offseason, Eagles has been part of the Sask. Selects football program, and has competed at the Pigskin Classic in San Antonio, Texas, winning numerous awards with the Sask. Selects.
A future edition of the Mercury will have more on this story.