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Letter: Weyburn RM resident asks premier to not support wind turbines

RM of Weyburn resident Kim Brady sent a copy of a letter to Premier Scott Moe outlining many issues around the proposed wind turbines for the RMs of Weyburn and Griffin.

(Note: This was a letter sent to Premier Scott Moe, outlining concerns about Enbridge’s proposed wind turbines in the RMs of Weyburn and Griffin.)

Dear Premier Moe:

As someone who has consistently supported your party – volunteering for Dustin’s early campaigns, contributing financially, and speaking out in favour of your policies – I have always believed that you had Saskatchewan’s best interests at heart, even during difficult times like the pandemic. However, recent events have significantly altered my view.

This project has been proposed for the most densely populated area near the city of Weyburn. Many local residents, including myself, are strongly opposed to these 700-foot (or more) monstrosities looming over our homes and fields.

I ask you honestly, Premier Moe, would you want these turbines near your family’s farm? Enbridge wants to putp them a mere 750 metres from our homes! I find it hard to believe that you would, unless, of course, the royalties were being paid to you.

There is a small handful of individuals in this area who will profit from this while the rest of us stand to lose everything we’ve worked so hard to build. And we are learning some of them may not have fully understood what they were signing up for.

My family and I purchased our home with the expectation of peace and tranquility. We have poured our blood, sweat, tears and finances into making it our forever home. Had we known about this project, we would never have chosen this location.

We are prepared to fight for everything because, truly, we have everything to lose. The wildlife, the birds, the serenity – everything we cherish will be shattered if this project proceeds.

The outdated 2014 Health Canada study Enbridge is relying on is insufficient and outdated. It’s simply asinine to rely on one decade-old admittedly inconclusive study when we are talking about the health of our children.

The key findings from this study state, “It is important to note that the results from this study do not provide definitive answers on their own, and should be considered along with the other research available on the impacts of wind turbine noise on health. Results may also not be applied to other communities as the wind turbine locations in this study were not randomly selected from all possible sites operating in Canada.” (https.//

Since then, numerous studies and documentaries have been produced, showing the health, environmental, psychological, societal and property value impact of wind turbines, which are only growing larger. Enbridge plans to install 46 turbines up to 693 feet tall – taller than the Calgary Tower.

Can you even fathom that? Our home will be surrounded, and peace will be lost. Furthermore, they want to put these within 750 metres of our homes – and that’s from the hug, so taking into consideration the length of the blades, they be even closer.

In their recent “notification” pamphlet, their graphic indicates they could actually be 771 feet high! No one should be allowed to destroy our homes like that! And to make things even worse, our own tax dollars are being invested in this project. I have to say, that feels like a huge slap in the face by your government.

All of this is being driven by greed and the grand designs of a small group. It’s inconceivable that a few people should have the ability to destroy the lives of so many, and that the provincial government is supporting this.

This is not what Brad Wall’s Saskatchewan Party stood for – grassroots, community, respect for the people who built this province. There is an election approaching, and I assure you, the anger in Weyburn and area towards the Saskatchewan Party and Enbridge is palpable.

This project has divided our community. The few landowners who signed on have been told to segregate themselves from the rest of us. It’s appalling. You cannot imagine the mental anguish and anxiety this is causing to people both within the city of Weyburn and the RMs.

The Weyburn and Griffin RM councils, largely composed of farmers, are entirely out of their depth on this issue, an the division caused by this project will leave scars on this community that may never heal. Is this truly the legacy you want to leave?

We know that things like hospital and school projects get feedback from the local community as part of the process – why isn’t that being done by our government in this case? Instead you are leaving that to “big business” and it’s being done in a very devious manner, by people who have zero ties to our community.

Enbridge representatives fly down for a few days and hold one-to-one meetings, and then back to Calgary they go. They don’t live here – they don’t have generational families, lives and businesses here. They have shareholders who want profits, and that quite frankly, just smells bad.

Lastly, it is imperative that your government implements a moratorium on all wind energy projects until an Orphan Wind Turbine Fund – similar to the one created for the oil and gas sector – is established.

Without such a fund, Saskatchewan will inevitably face abandoned wind projects littering our landscape in the coming decades. And how will that be as your legacy?

In addition, regulations absolutely must be put in place that protect residences, communities, landowners, taxpayers, and the general public. Setbacks should err on the side of safety for all, and be tied to height.

The higher the metal giant, the larger the setback. It’s ridiculous that the province of Saskatchewan has done nothing to create standardizations and instead relies on our neighbours to the west. These safeguards are essential if we are to avoid the long-term environmental and financial consequences of poorly-planned developments.

I urge you to reconsider your support for this project and to recognize the far-reaching and heart-breaking impact it is having on our community. I hope for a response, and more importantly, I hope for leadership that prioritizes the well-being of all Saskatchewan residents, not just a few.

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